Company: Kingdom Trail Association
Title: Executive Director
Age: 34
Favorite Part of Job: When I’m outside enjoying the trails and I bike by one of Kingdom Trails generous private landowners working in their garden, and I can thank them personally for making our 100+
miles possible for the good of our entire community.
Most Inspiring Mentor: My Mom. She has modeled throughout her own career and life that women, especially my sister and I, can do and be anything. She continues to encourage, while always being there when I need comfort and grounding. My mom has a quote above her kitchen sink, “There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings.” She has done just that.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I can hold a handstand and walk on my hands for minutes as I love reliving my glory days as a competitive gymnast.
What three words best describe you: Grace. Engaged. Spirited.
What song on your playlist are you ashamed to tell your best friend: Jackson 5’s ABC. Except I’m totally not ashamed. This is the best song EVER to dance to in the kitchen when cooking dinner. Everyone should go home and put it on and dance! Trust me!
Favorite Vermont Escape: Swimming Lake Willoughby.
Favorite Downtime Activity: Sitting by my wood stove singing, as my husband plays guitar.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: I really just want my sister to move from New York so we can be neighbors and share Lawson’s Finest Sip of Sunshine whenever we want.
What is the best career advice you have received: Ruth Bader Ginsburg says “My mother told me two things constantly. One was to be a lady, and the other was to be independent.” My Mom tells me this too.
What else would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years: I hope to grow an adventurous, healthy, and happy family while continuing to commit to my future at Kingdom Trails and the community it serves.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont: After spending 8 years away in the highest elevated city Leadville, CO, I was beyond thrilled to return to Vermont, closer to family, ready to immerse myself in my new Northeast Kingdom community and dedicate myself to the mission and vision of the Kingdom Trail Association.
Career Highlights: I consider myself fortunate that I have had the opportunity to live and work in a number of different environments. I have served all over the world; teaching in rural China, Southeast Asia, the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, and Belize, as well as Gulf Coast restoration efforts through AmeriCorps post-Katrina. I hold a B.A. in Public & Community service from Providence College in Rhode Island, as well as a Master’s Degree in Intercultural Service, Leadership & Management from the School for International Training Graduate Institute in Brattleboro. As the past Athlete Service Manager for the Leadville Race Series in Colorado and Executive Director for the Leadville Trail 100 Legacy Foundation, I am overjoyed to now be serving as the Executive Director for the Kingdom Trail Association. Through this leadership position I recognize KT’s role in providing safe and inspiring recreation and education opportunities that highlight the stunning values surrounding us and commit to the health of our community and regional economy.
Community Involvement: Having moved from Colorado where I was an active citizen serving on Boards such as the Lake County Community Fund, Mineral Belt Trail, Chair of the Lake County Democratic Central Committee, and aiding in so many other inspiring initiatives, I now find myself fully immersed in my new Northeast Kingdom community.
Through my leadership role at Kingdom Trails I am able to make connections with exciting activities occurring in the NEK and across Vermont. I enjoy taking part in the Burke Area Chamber of Commerce planning and events such as their Fall Foliage Festival. I am passionate about supporting the OneBurke Traffic & Trails Committee, a community action group formed as a result of the Vermont Council on Rural Development visit process geared toward improving village traffic and pedestrian safety, as well as building trail connections from East to West Burke, furthering economic development across towns. Plus I have committed my time to the NEK Young Professionals, NEK Creative Collaborative, area schools, and at the state level serving on the Vermont Trails & Greenway Council.
I feel an incredible amount of momentum surrounding my new home and I can’t wait to be involved with what’s to come!