













65 businesses named as Best Places to Work in Vermont 2025




VermontBiz and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce the top 65 Best Places to Work in Vermont 2025. The awards program was created in 2006 and is presented in partnership with the Society for Human Resource Management, Vermont State Council, (VTSHRM), the Vermont Department of Commerce and Community Development and Workforce Research Group.

The Best Places to Work in Vermont list is broken down into three categories, Small Businesses (15-99 employees), Medium Businesses (100-249 employees) and Large Businesses (250+ employees).

“Of the 65 companies being recognized, we are excited to welcome fifteen new businesses to the list in 2025 who were not on the 2024 list. We now have six businesses that have appeared on the Best Places to Work in Vermont list for ten years or more. One company, Edward Jones has won the distinction of Best Places to Work in Vermont every year since 2006, the first year VermontBiz started recognizing Vermont’s best employers”, states John Boutin, Publisher, VermontBiz.

This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize, and honor the best places of employment in Vermont, benefiting the state's economy, its workforce, and businesses. 

To be considered for participation, companies had to fulfill the following eligibility requirements:

  • Have at least 15 full- or part-time permanent employees working in Vermont
  • Have a physical operation in Vermont
  • Are publicly or privately held organization
  • Are a for-profit, not-for-profit, or a government organization
  • Have been in business for at least one year, at the program registration deadline


Companies from across the state entered the two-part process to determine the Best Places to Work in Vermont. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company's workplace policies, practices, and demographics. This part of the process was worth approximately 20% of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 80% of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final ranking. Workforce Research Group managed the overall registration and survey process in Vermont and analyzed the data and used their expertise to determine the final rankings.

"The workspace for Vermont businesses has changed over the past few years due to Covid. Employees working remotely, hybrid working models and labor shortages have had a huge impact on Vermont businesses, but all Vermonters know that Vermont is a great place to live, work and play. We know that our employees are happy with their place of employment. The employers have created a work environment where the employees love to work. These employees and employers are committed to a productive workplace, be that while in the office or working remotely. This list is a testament to the fantastic companies here in Vermont and is by far our largest list since 2006. This list consists of businesses from every corner of Vermont with many diverse products and services", states Boutin.

Who is number one?

The final rankings for each category will be announced at a special awards presentation On April 2nd and each business ranking will be highlighted in the April issue of VermontBiz.

For more information on the Best Places to Work in Vermont program, visit or contact them at (281) 602-5004.

2025 Best Places to Work in Vermont

in alphabetical order: 


(15 - 99 U.S. EMPLOYEES)

Age Well

Aris Solutions*

Champlain Community Services

Co-operative Insurance Companies

Davis & Hodgdon Advisory Group*

Encore Renewable Energy


Green Mountain Antibodies, Inc.

Green Mountain Surgery Center

H.P. Cummings Construction Company

Heritage Aviation

Housewright Construction, Inc.


Ivy Computer*


Keene Perspectives


Lewis Creek Builders

Liquid Measurement Systems, Inc.

Lloyd Home Service*

Mayo Healthcare, Inc

McSoley McCoy & Co.

Med Associates*

MicroStrain by Hottinger Bruel & Kjaer Inc.


Northeastern Reproductive Medicine

Norwich Technologies*


Open Approach


Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer PC*


ReArch Company


Royal Group

Saba Marine

Senior Solutions

Spectrum Youth & Family Services

Stone Environmental Inc

United Way of Northwest Vermont

Vermont Economic Development Authority*

VT Dry & Cure Technologies, Inc.


(100-249 U.S. EMPLOYEES)

802 Credit Union*

Champlain Housing Trust

Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity, Inc.

Chroma Technology Corp.

Concepts NREC

DEW Construction

Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC*

Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital

New Chapter, Inc.

New England Air Systems

NorthCountry Federal Credit Union

The Richards Group

Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company

Vermont Federal Credit Union




Edward Jones
Health Care & Rehabilitation Services (HCRS)
NBT Bank
Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc. *
Stantec Consulting Services
Vermont Information Processing
Vermont Mutual Insurance Group

*Not on 2024 List


Photo Archives

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Past Winners

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 20202019 | 201820172016 | 201520142013 | 20122011 | 2010 | 2009