ALEX Farrell
29 | State of Vermont, Department of Housing & Community Development Deputy Commissioner
Residence: BurlingtonCareer highlight(s): Joining the Department of Housing & Community Development has been the highlight of my career. It is an honor to contribute to the immensely important work of DHCD.
Community Involvement: My community involvement began in earnest during the summer following my graduation from the University of Vermont. I had applied to several openings on Burlington Boards and Commissions, and I was appointed to the Board for Registration of Voters, which I served on from July 2015 to June 2018. While on that board I had the opportunity to work at Burlington polling locations on election days helping voters to register and sort out any issues to make sure folks could vote. This experience was tremendously rewarding, and it increased my love of the energy and enthusiasm of election day.
From that point on, I sought out opportunities to serve the state and city on various boards and commissions. In Burlington, I joined the Steering Committee in the Ward 4 & 7 Neighborhood Planning Assembly, I served two 2-year terms on the city's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Board representing Ward 4, and I was appointed to the Parks, Recreation, & Waterfront Commission on which I still serve. At the state level, I was appointed to the Real Estate Commission and was elected Chair, and I just began my third 1-year term as Chair of the Commission. I was also appointed to the Board of the Vermont State Housing Authority, and I am immensely proud that in September 2021 I was elected Chair.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I have lived in Vermont’s Champlain Valley since birth and have been shown by countless role models that this community thrives because of the dedication and cooperation of many hands. It is humbling to play a small part in the perpetual improvement of this beautiful place.
Favorite part of your job: My favorite part of the job (though I'm relatively new) has been attending the opening of new housing developments and seeing Vermonters newly housed in units that DHCD played a role in funding. A close second to that is the opportunity to visit Vermont's State Historic Sites. The Division of Historic Preservation is part of DHCD, so I actually get to go visit these sites as part of my job!
Most inspiring mentor and why: My Grandfather, Al Furlani, was a model of resourcefulness, integrity, and dedication to family. I was fortunate to learn a great deal from him about life and career. His insights were always delivered with humor and humility.
What is the best career advice you have received? Approach problems with positivity – don’t be the person in the meeting that focuses on the hurdles or explains why something can’t be resolved, come to the table with solutions, or at least the mindset that the right group can work through any problem.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I participate in an annual trip with a small group of friends to baseball stadiums with the goal of attending a baseball game at every active MLB stadium. Thus far we have made it to 16 of 30 stadiums.
What three words best describe you: Three words that best describe me are outgoing, cautious, & friendly.
Favorite Vermont escape: My favorite Vermont escape is Shelburne Museum – even though I have visited the museum countless times through childhood and adulthood, I still can’t get enough. To be fair, I may be biased given that I grew up in Shelburne.
Favorite downtime activity: My favorite downtime activity is driving. It may sound odd, but we have some beautiful country roads here in Vermont that make for nice peaceful car rides.
Favorite Super Hero and why: My favorite superhero is Batman. I think it’s neat that’s he’s a superhero without any superpowers.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with: The person I'd most like to share a Vermont beverage with is Derek Jeter. I know, he's not a Vermonter, but I'd bet I could recruit him.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support: The cause I would support is Cancer Research.
What is the one song on your playlist that are you embarrassed to tell your best friend? All I Want for Christmas is You, by Mariah Carey.