Company: Vermont Electric Power Company
Title: Real Estate & Right Of Way Specialist
Age: 30
Career Highlights: The career highlight I'm most proud of are the relationships that I have built. It’s really the foundation of my entire career. In the early days it was building relationships with students and now it’s building relationships with VELCO’s neighbors and the communities we work in. It goes beyond having a one-time positive experience but creating long lasting relationships achieved through
trust. I’m also proud of my work in the IRWA (International Right Of Way Association) at the chapter level. I have taken on roles that went outside of my comfort zone but provided valuable learning opportunities, such as serving as the Webmaster, Communications Chair and Vice President. But, I’m most proud of my motherhood career.
Community Involvement: Volunteering was a value instilled in me early and while in high school I loved serving the Brandon Recreation Department and the local elementary school’s mentoring and after school programs. Giving back to the community is a love that I hope to instill in my kids early, leading by example.
I currently serve on the board of the Brandon Area Toy Project, a nonprofit, and we not only ensure that kids in Brandon, Sudbury, Leicester, Whiting, and Forestdale have gifts under the tree on Christmas, but also provide coats, school supplies, a prom dress swap, free family entertainment and events like the Brandon Carnival throughout the year and more. I lead Operation Christmas for Troops, a nonprofit that sends care packages and letters to men and women in the service around the world during the holidays. I volunteer delivering meals for Meals on Wheels and pitch in at any community event that I can in the Brandon/Pittsford/Rutland area.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I was motivated to live and work in Vermont by the people, places and purpose. Vermont is where even strangers are neighborly, there’s a perfect balance of wide open spaces and busy hubs of community fun, and a sense that most everyone here is here by choice, to live this uniquely lovely Vermont life. I’m grateful to raise my children here.
Favorite part of your job? My favorite part of my job is the people and the variety! No day is quite the same--one day I’m in the office working with a project team, another day I’m on the Right of Way with the crews and the next I’m at a landowners dining room table. I’m a “people” person and I get the pleasure of working with and meeting new people which makes any day exciting.
Most inspiring mentor and why: My most inspiring mentor is my manager, Sandy Fogg. She (and VELCO) took a risk by hiring me, just a young preschool teacher who happened to know a little bit about VELCO through some temporary work I did for family. She has been patient in my learning, generous in sharing her wealth of knowledge, encouraging of every opportunity, and understanding of the flexibility that any working mom needs to be happy and successful in her career. Her work ethic, high quality work, optimism, compassion, and ability to inspire great work from others is something I strive for.
What is the best career advice you have received? The best career advice I ever received was to find a career that lets you live the life you wanted, don’t make your career your entire life. I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of the VELCO family that allows me to have a fulfilling meaningful career and live the quality life I want with my husband, kids, family and friends outside of work.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: Few people know that someday when I grow up, I'm going to visit the moon.
What three words best describe you: Restless. Outgoing. Creative.
Favorite downtime activity: I have a hard time sitting still but when I do stop for some downtime it’s to read with my two kids, create art, journal, star gaze, or watch the History Channel.
Favorite Social Media and why: My favorite social media platform is FaceBook because I enjoy staying connected with friends and family near and far and sharing with them glimpses into my world. FaceBook also knows how to book up my calendar with fun events in our community!
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support: The causes I would support with unlimited funds are The Brandon Area Toy Project, the Rutland County Humane Society, the United Way, and Saint Jude’s.
What one song is on your playlist that are you ashamed to tell your best friend: The song on my playlist that my best friends don't know about is “Shiny” from Disney’s Moana. I enjoy singing it in character to make my kids giggle!
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5-10 years? In the next 5-10 years, professionally I hope to be leading the Right of Way team at VELCO when my manager/mentor retires (though she will leave very big shoes for me to fill!), and to have earned the tittle Senior Right of Way Agent through the International Right of Way Association.