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AMANDA Wheeler


Favorite Part of Job: Telling the stories of inspiring people, reporting to our community all the positive things happening in Rutland County and the people who make the Region's future so bright. These people inspire me. 

Most Inspiring Mentor: I find inspiration in nearly every person I meet. We all have a story to share and a challenge we face. It's learning from each other how to handle all life throws at us that provides endless motivation and education. 

Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I'm a shade darker after spending less than an hour in the sun! No, I don't go to tanning booths, I'm naturally dark. 

Favorite Vermont Escape: Burlington, VT - Canvasing the city, eating my way through it and I can't leave town without making a stop at Hen of the Woods. 

The Northeast Kingdom will always hold a special place in my heart too. Growing up in the NEK gave me strong roots and the curiosity to discover what else is out there. 

Favorite downtime activity: In my downtime you'll find me on the golf course, in my kitchen, traveling the world or soaking in the sunset at the beach. 

Favorite Social Media: I have the most interaction for work on Facebook, but it's not my favorite platform. I enjoy viewing the world and my friends journeys on Instagram, finding a fun recipe on Pinterest or staying up-to-date on Twitter. 

Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: Jon Stewart. 

What is the best career advice you have received? "Work is love made visible" - Kahlil Gibran

Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? One thing I've learned is there is no crystal ball. I'm not sure where I'll be in 10 years but if I'd have to guess I'd say doing exactly what I'm doing now. I love spreading positivity and PEGTV offers the platform to do so. I'd also like to continue growing my company, Eightzero2 Productions and offer clients fun, innovative and creative videos. As our society grows and changes, it's evident video is here to stay (at least for now) I want to be a part of this from my home in the Green Mountains.

Career Highlights:

Awards:  Alliance for Community Media, Hometown Media Award, “Cyber You – Aeerschool App Takedown”, 2014 • Alliance for Community Media, Northeast Region, Best News Magazine “Access News Magazine”, 2013 • Regional Emmy Finalist, Reporting, Sports Feature “The Big Game”, 2005 • Regional Emmy, Best College Newscast, 2004

Community Involvement:

Produce/Report/Film/Edit/Host a weekly news magazine program, “Access News Magazine,” that airs on PEG TV, Rutland’s community access station. Created Access as a vehicle to highlight all of the unsung heroes of the community - from the area non-profit organizations that work hard to achieve their mission, to the volunteers who give freely of their time to make their town a better place, to the local residents who simply have an uplifting story to tell. Access is committed solely to spreading positive news. establish relationships with community partners including schools, local businesses, non-profits, area agencies, local media outlets, senior groups, sports teams, volunteer groups and various other organizations.

Rutland Young Professionals


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