AMY Kirschner
Amy Kirschner
Career Highlights:
Vermont Sustainable Exchange, Founder
Created social enterprise to promote local economic development by using cutting-edge financial mechanisms. Partnered with Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility to create new membership benefit, the VBSR Marketplace.
Burlington Currency Project -Executive Director. Responsible for marketing, customer/member service, public relations and finances. Created and Implemented strategic plans to increase circulation of local currency Burlington Community and Economic Development Office, Americorps*Vista. Led local non-profit membership organization (Burlington Currency Project)
Community Involvement:
GETS Together Currency Cooperative (a program of RHD/New Beginnings), Founding Member
Mercy Connections, Women in Transition Program, Mentor
RSF Social Finance Grant Recipient
Tommy Thompson Community Garden, Gardener
Vermont Commons Journal, Editorial Board
Burlington Time Bank, Volunteer/Member
Good News Garage, Marketing Advisory Committee
Everybody Wins!, Literacy-Based Mentoring Program
Burlington Currency Project, Board of Directors
Favorite part of job? Connecting people. Everyone likes to do business with fellow Vermonters, I just try to make it a little easier.
Most inspiring mentor? Melinda Moulton. I've been honored to work with her and have been inspired by her leadership and grateful for her support.
Who is your living hero? My husband, Rob Leuchs. His support, patience, and love is unlimited.
Favorite downtime activity? Reading
Favorite Vermont Escape? Shelburne Museum.
Favorite social network? Twitter
Favorite website? - an cutting edge way to directly connect producers to consumers with a great user-friendly interface. I always search for Vermont-made crafts.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Amy Kirschner and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >