ANDREW Bouchard
37 | Borderline Entertainment | CEO
North Country Supervisory Union | Special Educator
Residence: Holland
Career highlight(s): The career highlight(s) I'm most proud have been when worlds come together. Such as last year when I organized an event where the lead singer of Burlington based band Clever Girls came to the NCUHS to give a speech about being a non-binary person in the music industry.
Then after the talk, the band offered to throw a benefit concert for students going on an Arts trip to NYC, which ended up being well attended and raised several hundred dollars for the trip. Another career highlight was the series of Clyde Pond restoration Service Learning Projects, I oversaw through North Country Union High School. Included in this
was having students clean up and create remote camp sites on Clyde Pond as a part of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. The following two years the students created an all ages walking path along the southern shore of Clyde Pond.
Community Involvement: My community involvement includes has included a member, Secretary and Chair of the Holland Planning Commission for 7 years, helping shepherd through Hazard Mitigation Plan, an updated Town Plan and helping obtain grants to fund a research study into what to do with our town's closed school building. Additionally I am now on the Holland Select Board where I am currently the co-chair.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I was motivated to live and work in Vermont because it didn't occur to me to leave.
Favorite Vermont escape: My favorite Vermont escape is any of your and my public State or Federal Wildlife Management Areas, a personal
favorite is the Bill Sladyk WMA (AKA The Hurricane) in Holland or Birdseye Mountain WMA in Ira.
Favorite Social Media and why: Social Media is destroying our children's executive functioning and dividing our country, that being said...Instagram, because it's got pretty pictures.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support: The cause I would support is fully funding public education for pre-k through college/trade school in part to ensure nobody leaves school functionally illiterate.
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5-10 years? In the next 5-10 years I want to see myself hosting numerous exciting original small concerts in unique places in Vermont throughout the year.
How has your job changed since this pandemic? During the pandemic, my job operating Borderline Entertainment has been almost eliminated due to not being able to host medically safe shows on a budget. While my job as a Special Educator has been incredibly difficult given the pandemic exacerbating already debilitating societal inequalities.