ANGELA Lavalla
Company: Vermont Teddy Bear
Title: Technical Design Manager
Age: 35
Career Highlights: I have two career highlights I am most proud of. The first was when I designed costumes for a movie called Camp Takota. I had designed these baseball and tie dye tshirts for the lead characters, and fans of the actors saw the shirts on social media and
loved them so much the studio had t-shirts made for fans to purchase. Shortly after this I was walking down the street in LA and saw someone wearing one of the shirts. It was this weird surreal moment, but I was really proud of the shirt and myself.
The second career highlight was really subtle but has stuck with me. I was having a conversation with a vendor about our business and our operations during our peak seasons when she said, "You are my only client who knows this much about their company and their business." I attribute this to not only my listening skills, but to my company, who fosters and environment where we do not work in silos, but as a whole team. This has given me valuable skills in not only my own career field, but my career going forward as well.
Community Involvement: I have many areas of passion outside of my day to day job, but service is probably by far the biggest. I firmly believe that so many of the issues we face in our world today can be solved simply by looking outside ourselves and serving others. I do this through serving as the worship leader for my church, serving the teenagers in our community through young life, serving the homeless in our area and state through Anew Place, or simply cleaning up trash on green up day. My heart is that whatever I do, whether I am paid for it or not, it to treat others with love and respect, and when we do that, service flows naturally.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? The day to day pace, the high value on work life balance, and the beautiful view I get on my daily commute.
Favorite part of your job? That I get to do what I love with people I genuinely enjoy working with. To work for a company that trusts and respects their employees and who is always open to change and new ideas.
What is the best career advice you have received? The best career advice I was ever given as to always walk into a room and be the problem solver, not the problem bringer.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: Few people know that I was a competitive figure skater when I was younger, and that I currently get all my drinking water from natural mountain springs around Vermont.
Favorite Vermont escape: My favorite Vermont escape is the woods behind the house I grew up in. As a child, I spent hours looking for fairies, as an adult I can go and clear my head on a hike.
Favorite downtime activity: My favorite downtime activity is reading anything and everything.
Favorite Super Hero: My favorite super hero is Storm from X-men. She is so powerful and so underestimated even by her fellow X-men. But time and time again she overcomes and continues to literally make it rain.
Favorite Social Media and why: My favorite social media is Instagram. I love getting a weird little peak into people's daily lives.
Where do you see Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with: The person I would most like to share a Vermont beverage with is my mom.