Antonia Opitz
Career Highlights:
Vermont Chamber of Commerce - Director of Events
Girls on the Run Vermont -Fundraising Consultant
Stoweflake Resort & Conference Center - Conference Services Manager
South End Arts and Business Association - Program Manager
Bombardier Capital Inc - Operations .
Community Involvement:
RunVermont - event volunteer and program committee member
American Cancer Society - Chair of Public Relations Committee for the Relay
For Life Nordic event (only nordic Relay for Life in the World!)
Girls on the Run - Volunteer for events and sits on the 5k event committee
Favorite part of job? My favorite part of the job is learning about all the
fantastic businesses in Vermont and meeting the people that make these
businesses thrive.
Most inspiring mentor? There is no one particular person. My friends and
family supply me with daily wisdom and help guide me in life. Each gives
their own perspective and opinion on life and I learn something from each
person. They all inspire me.
Who is your living hero? My mother.
Favorite downtime activity? Running!
Favorite Vermont Escape? Too many to pick! I am still discovering gems all
over this state.
Favorite social network? Facebook
Favorite website?
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Mark Bonfigli
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Antonia Opitz and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >