Bradley Holt
Found Line
Career Highlights:
Technical Director at Found Line (January 2005 – Present
Co-founded creative services company in 2005. Organizational capabilities include web development, web design, and print design. Specialize in iteratively developing the standards-based and accessible web applications needed by our clients.
Selected results:
1 Built and maintain the homepage for Vermont Public Radio (VPR) as well as the classical andbusiness underwriting pages. Imported existing articles from a proprietary content management system using the Atom Syndication Format into a content repository built using open source software including PHP, Zend Framework, and CouchDB. Integrated articles, municipal minutes, and commenting features for VPR’s Public Post, a news source designed to surface important issues at the local level.
2 Developed and maintain Common Good Vermont in partnership with CCTV Center for Media & Democracy. Since its initial launch in December of 2009 the site has aggregated over 150,000 articles, blog posts, tweets, bookmarks, and events on a wide variety of topics of interest to Vermont’s nonprofit and independent sector. Multiple iterations of the website have launched since its debut.
3 Created and maintain a custom e-commerce web application for ThinkFlood, a consumer electronics company. Integrated multiple third-party APIs including credit card processing, fulfillment, and address validation while still providing a streamlined and simple checkout process for users. Worked closely with ThinkFlood since the initial launch in June of 2009 to extend the web application’s functionality.
Organizer of the Burlington, VT PHP Users Group (December 2007 – Present) Co-founded users group and responsible for organizing meetings, promoting events, and encouraging participation. Meetings have been mostly focused on presentations with a handful of social events. Topics discussed at meetings include CSS, SilverStripe, web performance, database optimization, data modelling, unit testing, beginner & intermediate PHP, Zend Framework, Magento, document databases, distributed version control, object-oriented PHP, security, PHP 5.3, load balancing, message & job queues, deploying PHP applications, CouchDB, and Symfony 2. Helped the Vermont .NET User Group organize Vermont Code Camp in partnership with the PHP Users Group. The first Vermont Code Camp in 2009 attracted 89 attendees with 19 sessions. The second Vermont Code Camp in 2010 attracted 125 attendees with 25 sessions. The third Vermont Code Camp in 2011 attracted 158 attendees with 26 sessions.
Board Member at Vermont Community Access Media (May 2010 – Present) Elected by its members as a Board Member of Vermont Community Access Media (VCAM), a non-profit community media and technology center that provides local citizens access to training and state-of-the-art digital video tools as a means of personal, political, and artistic self-expression.
Selected results:
1 Worked with outside consultants to perform a community needs assessment and develop a strategic plan.
2 Addressing the role of public and government access in a world of new media.
3 Elected by the Board as Secretary and appointed to the Executive Committee and Marketing Committee.
Community Involvement:
*Co-Founder & Technical Director at Found Line (January 2005 – Present) *Organizer of the Burlington, Vermont PHP Users Group (December 2007 – Present) *Board Member at Vermont Community Access Media (May 2010 – Present) *Open source contributor, including to PHP and Zend Framework *Co-organizer of Vermont Code Camp (annual event: 2009, 2010, 2011) *Spoken at (or will be speaking at) SXSW Interactive, OSCON, OSCON Data, the jQuery Conference, and ZendCon.
Favorite part of job?
Learning new technologies and building things that people use.
Most inspiring mentor?
My dad. He was an entrepreneur while I was growing up (and still is today). I think he is the reason why I've always wanted to run my own business.
Who is your living hero?
I don't have a single hero that I look up to. A hero to me is anyone who decides to try to make the world a little bit better. There is so much cynicism today (and often for good reason) that many people don't bother trying. If we all tried to make the world around us just a little bit better, we could have a huge impact.
Favorite downtime activity?
Unfortunately, I don't get a lot of down time. I enjoy reading when I get a chance.
Favorite Vermont Escape?
Vermont has so many beautiful places, it's hard to pick just one. I don't get out there often, but I love being on Lake Champlain. My husband and I had our wedding on a boat on Lake Champlain.
Favorite social network?
Twitter. It's the only social network that I use regularly.
Favorite website?
As a web developer, I'd have to say as it's the website of the world's first-ever web server. This was a website for CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The first website was made available to the public in 1991 and 30 years later there are over 100 million operating websites.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?
I can't think of anyone in particular.
VBM's Publisher John Boutin, Bradley Holt and Lt. Governor Phil Scott