CHRIS Bernier
Chris Bernier
Special Olympics of Vermont
Career Highlights:
In 2007-2008 I lead a fundraising effort on behalf of Tubbs Snowshoes that donated more than $250,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Currently, I work with individuals and corporations throughout Vermont to build more inclusive communities through Special Olympics Vermont. I graduated with a bachelors degree in Business Administration from Saint Michael's College in 2004 and will complete my Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Champlain College in December 2011.
Community Involvement:
Currently, I am a member for the Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, which is a volunteer position.
From 2008 - 2011, I served as a board member for a non-profit called CRAG VT which focuses on access and conservation of climbing areas in Vermont.
Last year, I served as a committee member for the Spectrum Ride which raised more than $20,000 for Spectrum Youth and Family Services. As you will see in my resume, I work for Special Olympics Vermont and have participated in the Penguin Plunge for the past two years with a team that raised more than $12,000. In 2010, I co-founded a benefit race for CRAG VT called 24 Hours of Waterbury.
Each year, my wife and I participate in Green Up Day.
On a professional level, I constantly seek to provide internships for area college students who might be interested in working in the non-profit sector.
I have participated in various career panels at Saint Michael's College to discuss social sector positions for college students.
Favorite part of job?
My favorite part of my job is when I watch one of our Special Olympics' athletes and see them cheering each other on and giving high-fives regardless of the place that they came in or the team they play for. I find this sportsmanship inspiring and incredibly rewarding to witness. Many of us could learn lessons in how to treat each other from these athletes.
Most inspiring mentor?
When I first moved back to Vermont, I worked at Tubbs Snowshoes for an incredibly intelligent and kind woman, named Kathy Murphy. She is a true leader. She empowers her employees, family and friends to reach their full potential in business and in the community. Although it has been over three years since I worked for Kathy, she continues to remain invested in my personal and professional growth.
Who is your living hero?
My parents are my heroes. They both have selfless dedication to their professions, friends, family and each other.
Favorite downtime activity?
I really enjoy running, skiing and fly fishing.
Favorite Vermont Escape?
Mad River Valley for skiing followed by dinner at American Flatbread.
Favorite social network?
Facebook is a great resource to keep in touch with friends and family. I have three nephews who don't live in Vermont, so Facebook allows me to keep up with them via videos and photos.
Favorite website?
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?I would really like to meet Jeffrey Hollender. I appreciate his insight into corporate responsibility, sustainability and social equity.
VBM's Publisher John Boutin, Chris Bernier and Lt. Governor Phil Scott.