Company: Windham Central Supervisory Union
Title: Food Service Director
Age: 36
Career Highlights: Before my current job I would have said becoming the Executive Chef of the Farm Table was my career
highlight. That all changed when I began my work in the school, my students are now my career highlight.
Community Involvement: My community spans 2 separate communities. My first hat is that in the Windham Central School district. Within the district my program, Seed2Tray ensures that over 600 students have access to scratch made, locally sourced, and FREE school meals. I was also able to incorporate community lunches within the program. This is a time when parents, neighbors, friends and other family can join their children for lunch once a month. These lunches ensure that our students have recognizable safe faces within their community.
My second hat is that of a selectboard member in Vernon VT. This position allows me the chance to be a part of revitalizing Vernon, post Vermont Yankee. As a single father it is very important to me that my sons have the same benefits a small town like Vernon offered me as a child.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? Vermont is home to me, I want to ensure that my children get to experience the same lifestyle Vermont has given me.
Favorite part of your job? The favorite part of my job is the sincere appreciation the students express to my Seed2Tray team. We strive for quality and the students recognize that, they feel important and cared for.
Most inspiring mentor and why: Chef Dan Giusti, Former Chef of Noma Restaurant. Dan is the founder and CEO of Brigaid. Feeding children scratch made food, for free.
What is the best career advice you have received? Do simple, simply awesome.
If you had unlimited access to funds which cause(s) would you support: With unlimited funds I would eliminate childhood hunger in Vermont because Hungry Kids Can't Learn.
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5-10 years? In the next 5 to 10 years I see myself at a State Level position ensuring every student in Vermont has access to universal meals.