Clara Ayer
35 | Member/Owner, Fairmont Farm
Residence: WashingtonCareer highlight you are most proud of.
Being good stewards of our land, community, employees and animals is such an honor.
Community involvement.
Creating a summer camp on our farm that serves our community; serving on my town’s planning commission while we went through a zoning and subdivision revision process; serving on the Vermont Dairy Promotion Board and the New England Dairy Promotion Board; testifying at the state level on behalf of the Vermont Dairy Producers Alliance; testifying federally on behalf of milk marketing order reform; previously serving as a board member for the Vermont Agriculture Innovation Board; serving as secretary of the Vermont Holstein Association; and serving as an Agri-Mark director.
Motivation for living and working in Vermont.
My family. I am fortunate to have the majority of my family, on both sides, close to home in central Vermont.
Favorite Vermont escape.
Traveling to Stowe for a bike ride on the bike path, stopping for a dip in the water to cool off and getting some lunch at one of the restaurants along the path.
Favorite Vermont season.
Summer! Finding water holes, biking, being on the farm, running, barbecuing, get-togethers — it’s all easy in the summertime
Favorite downtime activity.
Going for a run. I love soaking in the scenery and to see that hard work and persistence pays off.
Favorite social media.
Instagram. I’m a visual person, and I love seeing pictures of friends, family and mentors. To me, Instagram is a space that can feel positive, uplifting and motivating, which fits well with my “glass-half-full“ personality.
Favorite smell.
There’s nothing that says summer like the smell of freshly chopped hay. A close second is the smell of boiling sap in the spring.