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Favorite Part of Job? The people I work with.

Most Inspiring Mentor: Outside my parents (the ultimate mentors), my college advisor, Parker Croft, inspired me to stay in Vermont and taught me patience and courage.

Favorite Downtime Activity: Walking in the woods with my wife and child.

Favorite Vermont Escape: My home.

Favorite Social Media: Notabli

Favorite Website:

Vermont Business Person you would most want to Network with: Peter Shumlin

Career Highlights: The Bawa Project, Building a house, Discovering Net Peripheral in Malaysia, Shacksbury's first investor.

Community Involvement: I moved back to Vermont from India in 2005 with a copy of "The unsettling of America" in my pocket. I have been working toward finding and building community ever since. Shacksbry Cider, itself, is an effort to engage the people, land, and heritage of my community.


John Boutin, Publisher of VBM, Lisa Gosselin, VT Dept. Economic Dev. and Rising Star Colin Davis

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