Favorite Part of Job? Everyday I get to help people define and achieve their goals. People have a lot of anxiety over financial
matters and I get to use my expertise to help relieve them of these worries and enjoy life!
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I have a beautiful singing voice...kidding, but I do love to sing to myself.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Jay Peak. In the summer of 2013 I married my wife Jackie at the top of the mountain!
Favorite Downtime Activity: I love to run and travel the world. Everywhere my wife and I travel I make sure to explore via my feet! For me, It is a great way to acclimate to a foreign environment.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: Anyone who doubts the superiority of VT beers. But in all honesty, I would love to share a beer with my late Father.
What is the best career advice you have received? If you always focus on the client's needs, the results will be positive for all involved.
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? Personally, I plan to continue to expand my financial services business while I also spend time helping develop economic growth in the region
Career Highlights: I have many career highlights, in my business anytime a client thanks me for helping them and their family is a highlight to me. Starting my own solo firm in 2016 has been a big moment for me.
Community Involvement: I was born and raised in Rutland, VT. This community has always supported me and helped shape who I am. I enjoy every chance I get to give back and help grow Rutland and Vermont into the future. I am involved in many boards and organizations, and all of them have positive impact on our region!