Company: Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
Title: Public Policy Manager
Age: 38Favorite Part of Job? Working with the socially responsible business community in Vermont to pass effective laws that support a strong economy and strong communities.
Most Inspiring Mentor: Former Gov. Kunin's strength, wit, and continued dedication to moving Vermont forward is always inspiring to me. She continues to be a trailblazer, decades after leaving office.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I'm obsessed with vintage Archie comics.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Ricker Pond State Park is my favorite escape. It is close to civilization, but feels remote. The sound of the loons on the pond at night is breathtaking.
Favorite Downtime Activity: Visiting old Vermont cemeteries. These historic places are full of artwork and stories that tell the tale of how the state began and reflect the changing spiritual beliefs of Vermonters.
Favorite Super Hero: Spider-Man. With great power comes great responsibility.
What is the best career advice you have received? Go after what you want.
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? Chief of staff to a Vermont governor. Or a caretaker at a cemetery.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I never truly understood the meaning of the word "community" until I moved to Vermont. This state allows for special connections to be made between friends and neighbors.
Career Highlights: Two legislative moments come to mind: (1) I covered Vermont's marriage equality debate as a reporter and was so moved by the stories of people in love who wanted that relationship to have the full recognition of the state. I remember seeing marriage proposals outside the House chambers after the bill passed. Also, working with the Legislature to pass the Ban the Box bill several years ago - legislation that gives Vermonters with criminal histories a second chance at employment.
Community Involvement: I currently serve on the Board and Executive Committee at Downstreet Housing and Community Development in Barre. This work allows me to support an organization that puts people in safe homes so that they can succeed. I've also served on the Montpelier Cemetery Commission and the Barre Cemetery Committee.