EDWARD Shepard
Edward Shepard
Career Highlights:
Small Dog Electronics - Vice President of Marketing
FableLab - Producer
Small Dog Electronics - Marketing Manager
Community Involvement:
Voices of the Lake project at Echo
Online mentoring of at rick children
Humane Society of Chittenden County
Volunteering for several environmental groups regionally
Favorite part of job? Collaborating with creative, entrepreneurial Vermonters. It's amazing how much business here is mutually beneficial!
Most inspiring mentor? My Grandmother, who founded and ran several successful businesses while also raising a family and maintaing a social and philanthropic network. All that in a time when very few women ran or especially owned a business. She was a tough, creative and motivated person who taught me everything about growing a business while enjoying life.
Who is your living hero? The Dali Lama, for staying true to his principals and promoting understanding and compassion in the world.
Favorite downtime activity? Reading.
Favorite Vermont Escape? Definitely hiking the high ridges, especially in the early autumn as the leaves are just beginning to change.
Favorite social network? Facebook
Favorite website? I'm going to have to say - Smalldog.com!
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Lawrence Blanford, who is brilliantly overseeing one of Vermont's most incredible business expansions ever.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Edward Shepard and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >