ERIN Anderson
Company: Rutland Economic Development Corporation
Title: Outreach Coordinator
Age: 25
Favorite Part of Job: My job has allowed me to totally immerse myself in the Rutland community and learn from people across the various industries that make up the county. It is an exciting time to
be sharing Rutland’s positive stories with the rest of the state and beyond.
Most Inspiring Mentor: I’m so incredibly grateful for all the amazing mentors throughout school, my first part-time jobs, college, and the beginning steps in my career. People are so willing to offer advice and guidance along the way. I tend to overthink decisions, so I’m so lucky to have guidance from my parents and sister in those cases!
What three words best describe you: Upbeat. Creative. Observant.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Any chairlift shared with friends and family.
Favorite Social Media: I definitely get lost in my Instagram feed. Too many pretty landscapes to take in!
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: Steph Jagger skied around the world, broke a world record, and then wrote an awesome book about her journey. She’s so inspiring and I’d like to think she would enjoy Vermont’s offerings.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont: The mountains and the people! I love playing in the Green Mountains and sharing those experiences with an awesome community.
Career Highlights: While I feel like I’m just getting started with my career, I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of the positive growth in Rutland County, especially with women business owners. Connecting with women in business has been an unexpected benefit of my job and I’m looking forward to continuing to learn and grow with them.
Community Involvement: Before this year I had never served on any boards, and now I have the opportunity to be a part of two organizations’ boards. In 2017 I was able to start volunteering with the Rutland Young Professionals (RYP) marketing committee and this year I joined their Board of Directors. For me (and so many others), RYP was the perfect introduction to the community in Rutland. I actually found my current job at REDC through the Young Professionals Summit, which RYP plays a large role in planning.
I also joined the Rutland Area Food Co-op (RAFC) Board of Directors. The RAFC has had several successful years and is such an asset to Rutland, so it’s an exciting time to be a part of the organization and learning from the staff and board.
Recently, I teamed up with Christie Garafano and the Women Business Owners Network (WBON) to start a Rutland chapter of the organization. Rutland’s women business owners are such a supportive group and have so much to share with each other, so I can’t wait to see that group grow here.