39 | Whirligig Brewing | CEO, Managing Member & Brewer
Residence: Peacham
Career highlight(s): The career highlight I'm most proud of is opening a brewery and taproom, following a my passion for food and drink.
Community Involvement: My community involvement
includes board service on several regional and state-wide organizations, such as the Vermont Humanities Council, Fairbanks Museum and
Planetarium, and Catamount Arts. I was also a founding board member of a local permaculture not for profit. In regards to my own town, I served as Chair of the Planning Commission and was successful in developing and putting forth a community-wide survey, facilitated community discussion, new town plan, and bylaws. I also served as the interim President of the NEK YPN when rebooting the then defunct group. At the same time, I also assisted the establishment of the New Hampshire-based North of the Notches YPN. As part of my day job, I provided community facilitation and support to communities across New Hampshire through the University of New Hampshire Extension. I was also lucky enough to be a speaker at the TEDxLittleton event, where I spoke on community engagement and welcoming newcomers.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I was motivated to live and work in Vermont through my wife's and my own desire to move back to Vermont and raise kids around dirt and trees. The benefit of having my wife's family around, was also a bonus when considering a support network and raising children. We love Vermont.
Favorite part of your job? My favorite part of my job is everything about it. I love talking with customers and visitors to the brewery. I love making beer. I love designing our food menu. I love building this place. I love doing it in St Johnsbury. My community is awesome.
Most inspiring mentor and why: My most inspiring mentor is Brendan Prusik, my mentor when I worked at the University of New Hampshire Extension. Brendan is a natural mentor with a humble and thoughtful heart. He asks tough questions, and inspires thoughtful responses.
What is the best career advice you have received? The best career advice I have received is to be thoughtful, be mindful, and follow your passion.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: Few people know that I'm an open book. There isn't much I haven't shared or wouldn't share if asked in the right way.
What three words best describe you: Three words that best describe me are intensional, thoughtful, open.
Favorite Vermont escape: My favorite Vermont escape is Devil's Hill, located in the Groton State Forest.
Favorite downtime activity: My favorite downtime activity is playing Duplos and Legos with my two young children.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with: The person I'd most like to share a Vermont beverage with is my wife and life partner, Gillian Sewake.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support: The cause I would support is systemic racism.
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5-10 years? In the next 5-10 years I'd like to be exactly who I am today, but perhaps managing a business that has grown and contributes to the community, staff, and food and beverage world in a deeply meaningful and substantive way.
What career goal(s) would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years? The career goals I'd like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years are to become a recognized brewer and brewery by my peers and the industry.
How has your community service changed since the pandemic? My community service during the pandemic has changed in that I have taken on another board position!
How has your job changed since this pandemic? I left my job at the University right at the end of 2019 and started my work at the brewery right in the new year. The pandemic is the only experience I know as a small business owner and brewer.