GREG Sellers
Greg Sellers
Career Highlights:
The timing for this was mostly luck, but four different projects I happened to be the project manager on won AIA VT design awards last year. We work with some great architects around the state and hope we can continue to work on smart, well-designed, and innovative projects. Back in graduate school I enjoyed presenting our concrete research at the American Concrete Institute in Dallas - their annual meeting in October. I tagged along with a researcher out of Colorado that we had been working with, and thought it was cool that they let a student (me) do some presenting in front of the crowds as well.
Community Involvement:
I've been involved with Habitat for Humanity in the Middlebury area, both for design and manual labor on the weekends. I have been involved with the Middlebury College students for their Solar Decathlon competitions - as a volunteer in design for their first and completed house, and now as the structural engineer for their second house. In the Burlington area, I currently volunteer as a board member for the structural engineering association of Vermont. Finally, I can't go without mentioning the intense Oakledge softball co-ed league I've helped run and play in every summer.
Favorite part of job? Probably a tie between getting out of the office to interact with clients, and seeing the completed buildings we engineer and how they are able to change the environment around them (Perry Hall at Champlain College for example).
Most inspiring mentor? Dwight Urelius, the former president at an engineering firm I used to work at - Datum Engineers in Austin, TX. Cool, calm, and collected, and knew how to lead and inspire others around him, along with possessing a great sense of humor. Not to mention one of the greatest engineering minds I've been around. Unfortunately, he passed away much too early a few years ago after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer.
Who is your living hero? When we come together to help others, all of us are at our best.
Favorite downtime activity? Snowboarding alongside my daughter Ele who races down the slopes on her skis.
Favorite Vermont Escape? In the summer: hiking up Mt Abe. In the winter: taking an easier way up, and faster way down, the other side of the mountain at Sugarbush
Favorite social network? The AIA Vermont chapter annual golf tournament and award ceremonies.
Favorite website? My most frequented website is I probably couldn't pick just one "you've got to check out this" site.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? The executives at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. I find the company model, their facilities, and how they have been able to expand in Waterbury quite impressive. Plus I'm a big fan of their Tully's line.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Greg Sellers and Pat Moulton Powden, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Community Development< Last Next >