Gregory Tatro
35 | Co-founder, Jenna’s Promise
Residence: LamoilleCareer highlights you are most proud of.
The way my team and I have worked to make recovery and Jenna’sP romise a prominent part of our collective conversations. I’m grateful that not only do we have policy, media and community leaders who come to learn about this issue, but that they continue to engage and make themselves accessible to rural Vermonters and the recovery community at Jenna’s Promise.
We have shown that — especially with people in recovery — these voices matter. We can ignite change, forge connections and inspire people to do more to help.
Community involvement.
Lately, I have worked with community leaders to help bring attention to Johnson as it recovers from the flood. I’ve also worked with people to help policymakers get a better understanding of the needs of our community in rebuilding. The JP team helped bring in changemakers from all levels to walk the ground and see the suffering and needs of our neighbors. Additional work includes mentoring, flood cleanup and organization, working with partner organizations to build them up in the community, acquire board members, etc.
Motivation for living and working in Vermont.
Vermont calls to me every day. An innate decency permeates every cornerstore and dirt road. Other states may be viewed as “great“ because of their power or size. But Vermont is great because we all tend to work hard and be good to each other — to help when times are tough and continue to form community bonds and ties.
Most inspiring mentors.
My parents shaped me at an early age. Drs. David Boynton and Dave Landers showed me how to think about the world differently. Flip Brown helped me understand systems and structures. Sean Downey has reshaped my professional life. And my wife, Amy, inspires me through her selfless, quiet and consistent support of others.
Best career advice you have received.
To remember that it is the small gestures and acts of kindness — calling to check in or say thank you, or listening when someone is having a tough day — that matter most.
Something fun about yourself that few people know.
My wife and I have met four of the six living presidents — and our life goal is to meet them all!
Favorite downtime activity.
When my 6-year-old son chases me around with his toy light sabers.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with.
U.S. Sen. Cory Booker. We have been working to get him up to Vermont for a long time; he gave us a message of hope when Jenna’s Promise was formed. If he were sharing a Vermont beverage with us, it would strongly imply we had achieved our longtime goal!
Where you see yourself professionally in the next five to 10 years.
I believe with all my soul that the substance-use crisis remains forgotten in our politics, our media and our cultural discourse. I know there must be new ways we can shift things, to push us all to stop ignoring this issue: I hope Jenna’s Promise can play a role in helping that future come about.