Hannah Manley
Career Highlights:
Director of Alumni Relations & Development, Lyndon State College
Fundraising Events Manager, Special Olympics Vermont
Hematology/Oncology Resource Specialist, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Therapeutic Case Manager, Clara Martin Center
Community Involvement:
Make a Wish Foundation of Vermont - Wish Granter & Spokesperson
Northeast Kingdom Chamber of Commerce - Trustee, Vice President
Miss Vermont Scholarship Organization - Miss Vermont 2000
Kingdom Access Television – Monthly talk show host
Vermont's 251 Club - Plus Member
Favorite part of job? I really enjoy celebrating Lyndon State College's alumni - so many of them have gone on to accomplish incredible things thanks in large part to the experience they were afforded at Lyndon. It's a lot of fun to put a spotlight on them
Most inspiring mentor? June Heston, current president of the Vermont Family Network and former president of the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Vermont, has been my mentor for more than a decade. I can always trust June to provide me with sound personal and professional advice. She is a compassionate and motivated leader, and she is always seeking self-improvement. June and I share a love of children with special medical needs. I hope that someday I am as highly regarded in the non-profit sector as she is now.
Who is your living hero? My hero is my eight-year-old nephew, Caleb. He has a rare medical illness called Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome. In his eight years Caleb has endured more than most people do in a lifetime. He is a tough kid and his courage and bravery inspire me.
Favorite downtime activity? I have two dogs, Lexi and Jade, and a wonderful husband, Mike. We live on 12 acres and I enjoy spending time outside with them during every season.
Favorite Vermont Escape? I have visited all 251 towns and cities in Vermont and have discovered many wonderful places to escape to, but my favorite remains a destination in my hometown of Ryegate...Tickle Naked Pond.
Favorite social network? Facebook.
Favorite website? www.creativemusevt.com Creative Muse Floral Design is a full service flower shop in Enosburg Falls, Vermont, owned and operated by my good friend, Sarah Jo Willey. Sarah is far and away the most creative person I know and her website is a true reflection of this!
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? I would most like to have a chance to network with Anson Tebbetts, news director at WCAX. It has been a dream of mine to have my own feature like Steve Hartman (CBS- Everybody has a Story, Assignment America) on Vermont's most watched television station and I would like to talk with him about my vision!
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Hannah Manley and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >