Company: American Cancer Society
Title: Community Development Manager
Age: 32
Career Highlights: When moderating an interview of 3 related cancer survivors I learned that the organization I work for has been helping this family in particular for generations. Through them
sharing their story I was closer to understanding my own family's cancer journey and feeling the direct impact of my work and the work of those who came before me.
Community Involvement: When I first moved to Vermont, like most recent college graduates, I was broke and wanted to take advantage of the great culture here. I found myself volunteering at events year-round across the state and have remained a supporter each year.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I am motivated to live in Vermont because of the 1 degree of separation between each of us. It's wonderful when we find commonality between strangers and then become friends.
Favorite part of your job? My favorite part about working at the American Cancer Society is seeing the look of new understanding or appreciation on someone's face after a heartfelt conversation.
Most inspiring mentor and why: I have had many mentors over the year and I am who I am today because of each of them.
What is the best career advice you have received? The best career advice I can give to anyone is feel comfortable saying "I don't know, but I'll look into that for you". It's never wise to give someone a quick answer if it's not the right one.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I collect squished coins (mostly US pennies) from around the world. I probably have close to 1,000.
What three words best describe you: Loquacious. Inquisitive. Ambitious.
Favorite Vermont escape: I love to escape to the top of a mountain with my dog, Joules.