JACK Thurston
Jack Thurston
Career Highlights:
The most fun I ever had at work was when I was at WCAX-TV, covering Sir Elton John's one and only concert appearance in Vermont several years back, at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex Jct. But the far more significant career highlight came last year, after I had joined New England Cable News. The photographer I work with, Kika Bronger, and I spent the immediate aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene presenting Vermont's struggles to the rest of New England, and even the nation, with days of live reports covering as much ground as possible. Even after the worst of the disaster had passed, I felt the proudest of my career covering this tremendously important chapter in our state's history for NECN, as I reported stories that could be both inspirational and extremely important in tracking communities' recoveries.
Community Involvement:
I have always been glad to work with students interested in writing or ones curious about news or media in general: guest lectures at area college classes and mentoring interns. Shine attention on area non-profits that are often very newsworthy. Many have told me how media attention has helped their missions and aided them in getting out their timely messages.
Favorite part of job? By far the best part of my job is not having to stay inside an office all day long! Most days are different than the one that came before, and we often visit small towns or roads that are a bit off the beaten path, meeting new people,
Most inspiring mentor? I was an intern at a television station in Boston, working with an arts and lifestyles reporter named Naamua Delaney. Her love for her job, positive outlook, and wonderful energy rubbed off on me and got me excited about pursuing broadcast journalism after graduation.
Who is your living hero? I think the most impressive people are the ones unlikely to ever be labeled heroes: the non-profit executive directors doing good work to improve Vermont communities, the educators doing positive things to impact children's lives, the artists, businesspeople, and local town officials committed to lifting up the people around them, and others.
Favorite downtime activity? Running, visiting museums,art exhibits, concerts and shopping for vintage goods.
Favorite Vermont Escape? I have always loved summer day trips to see the world-class performances at the Weston Playhouse in Weston. The drive is beautiful, and a spin through the Vermont Country Store and other businesses is fun, too!
Favorite social network? Twitter seemed so confusing and odd to me at first, but I found it became my favorite way to share and solicit information quickly and easily.
Favorite website? eBay and Etsy, building my collection of postcards from the early 1900s.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? I have long admired Jay Peak owner Bill Stenger, and Simon Pearce. I appreciate the many food producers in the state, like Chris Granstrom at Lincoln Peak Vineyard. The Vermonter I'd most like to meet is Bodett. I love him on "Wait... Wait... Don't Tell Me!" on NPR, and I envy his wonderful broadcasting voice!
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Jack Thurston and Pat Moulton Powden, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Community Development