JAMES Lambert
Favorite Part of Job? My favorite part of working at College of St. Joseph is the opportunity to work with many of the great organizations in the area, as well as our students. CSJ encourages
us to be involved in the community through service or work on local non-profit boards, as well as make meaningful contributions to the experiences of our
students inside the classroom and beyond.
Most Inspiring Mentor: Elizabeth Weinmann has been an invaluable mentor to me. Liz has always been generous with her time to share her considerable experience in business and marketing and help me expand my career far beyond journalism and communications. I will always be grateful for all she has done for me.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Rutland has a real jewel in Pine Hill Park, which is a great place for our family to get out and go for a walk. Outside of that, nothing beats the ballpark, soccer field or athletic center for a great day of CSJ athletics with my two sons, Caden and Cameron.
Favorite Downtime Activity: My wife, Summer, and I lead busy lives and don't see a lot of downtime. Despite all that we have going on, we try to set aside some “fun time” every weekend for the family – whether it's a walk, a movie, a day trip, or “football day” around the house.
Favorite Social Media: I love Twitter because I can connect with interesting people in the same field as me, as well as in other areas of interest.
What is the best career advice you have received? Join nonprofit boards and get out to community events to meet other professionals in the area. The connections you make at these events have great value.
Career Highlights: I've had the great fortune of working on a wide variety of projects and initiatives. Two of the biggest highlights of my career at College of St. Joseph are helping to launch Pro-C.E.E.D. At C SJ (Professional Continuing Education, Enrichment and Development at College of St. Joseph), a lineup of workforce development courses to meet the needs of Vermont employers and developing the curriculum for a successful social media concentration at the college.
Community Involvement: I enjoy helping local organizations and currently serve on the marketing committee of Rutland Economic Development Corp., which serves to market the Rutland region. I also serve on the board of the Boys and Girls Club of Rutland County, which allows me to contribute in a small way to the great work that the Club does to enhance the lives of area children.