Favorite Part of Job: I think one of the key things that sets Vermont apart from other places is that we have so many people pursuing innovation that matters and business with a purpose. I love that I get to work on behalf of the countless Vermont businesses whose primary goal is to make a positive social and environmental impact, both here in the Green Mountains and beyond.
Most Inspiring Mentor: Ever since joining ACCD, I have been so fortunate to learn from the examples of Secretary Pat Moulton, Deputy Secretary Lucy Leriche, and Commissioner
Noelle MacKay, who are all incredibly thoughtful and devoted public servants who consistently view decisions through the lens of what is best for Vermont and Vermonters. Outside of State government I have great admiration for Paul Costello of the Vermont Council on Rural Development, Gaye Symington of the High Meadows Fund, Ellen Kahler of the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, Lyman Orton of the Orton Family Foundation, Stuart Comstock-Gay of the Vermont Community Foundation, Lars Torres of Generator, Bill McKibben of 350.org, and Professor Frank Bryan, all of whom have been incredibly inspiring mentors to me.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: With our son, my wife Joan and I live on the same street in Montpelier where my Great Great Great Grandfather James McGlaflin lived. As a ninth generation Vermonter through at least two lines of my family, I appreciate having meaningful connections to so many wonderful parts of our State, from West Topsham to Barnard to Castleon.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Canoeing the Connecticut River, especially the stretch from Bradford south to Fairlee, with views of the Palisades, peregrine falcons, and the Samuel Morey bridge.
Favorite downtime activity: I am an obsessive Red Sox fan and, while not always relaxing, I love watching or listening to the games. I also really enjoy going to Vermont Mountaineers games (2015 NECBL Champions!).
Favorite Social Media: Instagram and Facebook. My favorite non-Vermont news source is Vox.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: If I could travel back in time, I would say with Ethan Allen at the old Catamount Tavern. I would give him a Heady Topper... and then take his picture so that we would finally have an accurate likeness of him!
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? My goal is to contribute to Vermont through a balance of meaningful public service and policy work while also doing original research, writing, and teaching. I hope to integrate more research, writing, and teaching into my work in the years ahead.
Community Involvement:
Orton Family Foundation, Office of the Creative Economy, Agency of Commerce and Community Development, State of Vermont, Sierra Club National Board of Directors, Big Brother, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Southwest CT, St. Mary’s High School in Tanzania, Dean for America
Authored Next Generation Democracy: What the Open Source Revolution Means for Power, Politics, and Change, and also filmed, edited, and produced four video profiles showcasing the diversity and vibrancy of Vermont’s creative economy.