JENNA Koloski
Company: Vermont Council on Rural Development
Title: Community and Policy Manager
Age: 32
Career Highlights: Working with towns across the state I truly feel that I experience career highlights every day. I fall in love with every community we work with and am inspired every day by the strength, determination, and grit of community leaders across Vermont. I am
proud to be able to play even a small role in helping communities achieve what is most important to them. When communities succeed, it isn't because of me or VCRD - it is because of the leadership and skill of people locally who have dug in and moved forward community priorities. I am proud to act as a
facilitator and convener and to provide support to these critical community leaders as they take on projects for the future of their town and for Vermont.
Community Involvement: I came to Vermont in 2009 to serve as an AmeriCorps member in the VHCB AmeriCorps program serving at the Green Mountain Club. That dedication to my community and to service has stuck with me and I do my best to chip in where I can, especially in my local community of Huntington. I have served on the Huntington Conservation Commission for all 6 of the years I have lived there. I recently chaired an effort to develop a community action plan for forest based outdoor recreation which is set to be adopted by the Selectboard and Planning Commission later this month. As a follow up to that plan, I am serving on the new Huntington Trails Committee to fulfill the plan's goals to identify, conserve, and build recreation opportunities in the Villages and hills of Huntington. Outside of my town, I serve as the Board President of the Vermont Community Development Association and as the Secretary of the Old Hut Croo Association - an alumni association of people that works in backcountry huts in NH's White Mountains.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I was motivated to live and work in Vermont by the deep sense of community, the strong social fabric, connection to the land, and the opportunities to get outdoors. I live at the end of a steep dirt road off the grid yet I still have a close network of neighbors and friends that are an important part of my life - and countless recreation opportunities right out my back door.
Favorite part of your job? My favorite part of my job is getting to know and work with people across Vermont from local community volunteers to municipal leaders to top State, Federal, business, and non-profit leaders. I also love the energy that comes with facilitating a community meeting - leading a discussion with a room full of people about all the things they love about their town and where they would like the community to go is inspiring, energetic, and fun - every community meeting feels like a celebration of the town and what is possible.
Most inspiring mentor and why: VCRD's Executive Director Paul Costello has taught me everything I know about meeting facilitation, building relationships and connections, and navigating difficult meetings and situations. Paul is a true champion for Vermont communities and I am honored to work with him.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: In high school I spent a summer doing trail work in the Guadalupe Mountains in El Paso, Texas. I spent 40 days living in the desert - sleeping under the stars, never once taking a shower, and constantly being afraid of scorpions and rattlesnakes lurking under every rock I moved!
Favorite Vermont escape: Hiking and skiing on the trails behind my house - there is a magical lookout with a perfect view of Camel's Hump (which happens to be where my husband asked me to marry him) .
Favorite downtime activity: Trail running, mountain biking, backcountry skiing, and watching with fascination as my 1 year old learns something new every day and experiences so many things for the first time.
Favorite social media: Instagram - especially the stories - because I feel like I can share special moments with friends across the world. I love seeing in real time what all the people I love are up to.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with: My grandfather (who my daughter is named after) - a forester and sugar maker from NH who, with my grandmother, owned a local farm, feed, and equipment store for many years and served on numerous local town committees. I have learned a lot from my grandfather about community leadership and stewardship of the land - but I'm sure there's more to learn. Besides, he rarely turns down a good beer and a chat and he's the best storyteller I know.
If you had unlimited access to funds which cause(s) would you support: I would support Vermont communities in accomplishing projects to boost their economic vitality and quality of life - and the expansion of affordable childcare for all Vermont families.
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5-10 years? It is hard to know what the next 5-10 years holds, but I know that I love what I do and I hope to continue to work in support of Vermont communities in some capacity. I truly believe that the future vitality, sustainability, and strength of Vermont lies in the capacity of our rural towns and our cities to access what they need to succeed and to drive towards the vision they set for the future. The more we are able to come together to identify core priorities and build pathways to success, the more we can accomplish and I hope that I can play some role in building those connections and moving priorities forward.