Jennifer Butson
Career Highlights:
Vermont Ski Areas Association - Director of Public Affairs
Burt’s Bees & Seventh Generation –Alloy Marketing - Marketing Tour Manager & Spokesperson
Stonyfield Farm – MusicMatters - National Marketing Tour Manager & Spokesperson
Saint Michael’s College - Marketing Assistant
International cycling and ski/ride events with RDB Marketing, representing Univest, Jeep, Sony and DirecTV
Williston Observer & Vermont Maturity Magazine - News Correspondent and Photographer
General Dynamics ATP - Events and Proposals Contractor
Rip It Up Magazine, New Zealand - Editorial Assistant
Community Involvement:
Vermont Adaptive Sports, Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, corporate liaison to the National Association of Snowsports Journalists and Eastern Ski Writers Association.
Prior volunteerism includes: Lymphoma Society, MS Society, Vermont Food Bank Point to Point Bike Ride, Vermont Family Network, and more than 40 hours along West Coast US homeless shelters and soup kitchens.
Most inspiring mentor? My Mom and three big sisters have shown me that grace, caring, perseverance and the will-to-thrive overcomes all.
Who is your living hero? The wonderfully strong, hilarious and loving ladies in my life.
Favorite downtime activity? Being outside for recreation of all varieties, enjoying good company and wordsmithing.
Favorite Vermont Escape? That silence that you can find on any back-road or mountain top, just to breathe in the beauty and embrace life simultaneously.
Favorite social network? Oh boy! Facebook, but I am excited for the “what’s next.”
Favorite website?, props to VSAA and Tag New Media.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? You, let’s chat.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Jennifer Butson and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >