Company: Vermont Wine Merchants
Title: Marketing Director
Age: 29
Favorite Part of Job: The ability to be creative when solving problems, self-direct, and propose new ideas. I love the variety of projects and tasks I’m able to work on, and the professional skills I’ve
honed - from event planning to email marketing, to correctly opening a bottle of Champagne.
Most Inspiring Mentor: Cindy Elcan at the United Way of Northwest Vermont. Since I graduated college, she has helped me learn to leverage my personal talents and professional experience to impact the community.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I was in an a cappella group in college, and love to sing!
What three words best describe you: Energetic. Warm. Engaged.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Watching the sunrise from the top of Camel’s Hump
Favorite Downtime Activity: I’ve been a coach at REV Indoor Cycling for the past 3 years - teaching indoor cycling energizes me and I always walk out the door ready to conquer the day.
Favorite Social Media: Pinterest! I’m a DIY disaster but am determined to start a vegetable garden.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: Former Vermont Governor Madeleine Kunin - she has lived such an interesting life and I admire her work greatly.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which causes would you support: I would invest in forwarding legislation and policies that empower working women - paid family leave, improving access to affordable childcare, and closing the gender wage gap, especially for women of color.
What else would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years: Running the Vermont City Marathon is definitely on my list!
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont: As Vermonters, we take so much pride in our state - not only in its natural beauty, but in our communities. I was very fortunate to grow up here, and can’t imagine myself anywhere else!
Career Highlights: I’ve been with Vermont Wine Merchants since April 2015. Additionally, I am the Social Media Manager for the Burlington Wine and Food Festival. I’m Wine & Spirits Education Trust (WSET) Level 3 Certified, and am currently pursuing my Italian Wine Scholar designation. My first job in the wine business was a seasonal tasting room gig at the award-winning Shelburne Vineyard.
Community Involvement: I am a founding member of Emerging Leaders United, an affinity group within the United Way of Northwest Vermont. Our committee develops programming that centers around; connecting young professionals in our region, creating opportunities to serve in our local communities, and developing Vermont’s next generation of leaders. My work with the United Way precedes my involvement in the ELU Steering Committee. After college, I completed an internship in their communications department and also volunteered with Mission Possible, an innovative fundraising event that has received national recognition.
For the past five years I’ve served on the Development Committee for Community Health Centers of Burlington’s annual wine auction, Salud. I’ve had the great pleasure of seeing this event grow each year, in 2018 we raised $57,000 to support CHCB’s programs.