JOE Doud
Favorite Part of Job? My job every day is to help put together experiences that will create great memories for our fans! I love having the ability to work with so many people in the community while being able to do so over the topic of baseball. I get to encounter something different every day with the Lake Monsters which is a great aspect of my job.
Most Inspiring Mentor: My Dad. His determination to be a role model in both the work environment and at home has been very inspiring to me. I strive every day to be half the man that he is.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know:
I love to travel, and would one day like to visit all 50 states. I've been to 24, so I still have a lot to go!
Favorite Downtime Activity: I love to be as active as possible. I spend a majority of my free time in the sporting world; whether getting in a game of some sport with friends, cheering on the Yankees on TV, or sweating out a long day in the gym. And of course I love spending time with my girlfriend!
Favorite Vermont Escape: Anywhere you can find a good sunset on Lake Champlain. It is hard to beat the sandbar up in the islands for that.
Favorite Social Media: LinkedIn. It is a great resource to stay connected in the business world in a professional online environment. Plus, I own a part of that company (1 share!) so it is my duty to promote it.
Favorite Website: YouTube. I have become an expert in so many topics thanks to videos on YouTube. I can spend hours learning, or laughing, at much of the content on that website.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to Network with: Lake Monsters team owner, Ray Pecor. He is synonymous with Vermont business, but is very hands-off with the team so I don't get to see him very often. I'm sure his network is limitless as he has been a leader in the community for several decades.
Career Highlights: The Lake Monsters organization has really encouraged me to grow personally as much as possible. I have lead a seminar at a national conference amongst the top executives in Minor League Baseball. I have been lucky enough to be a part of a great time in the history of the organization, where we have exceeded all company records from the last 20 seasons with our group tickets, in revenue and attendance. We have set new company records the last two consecutive seasons. In my first season with the team, I was behind a promotion called "Bobblehead Media Madness", which paired up local radio DJs over a several week voting process, where one was honored by being immortalized as a bobblehead, which we handed out at the park. Over 60,000 votes were submitted in a few weeks for this contest.
Community Involvement: I was a reading mentor this past school year with Everybody Wins!, where I would visit JJ Flynn school once a week for an hour and read with a student. I also am part of the Burlington Young Professionals Steering Committee. That organization, outside of itself being a volunteer position, leads me to many volunteer opportunities. I have been a part of the Santa 5k run through Burlington, for the past two years I've been a field supervisor at the Kicks for a Cure Kickball tournament at Oakledge Park. I helped coach a JV basketball team at Colchester High School. I volunteered as a mentor for a senior project being completed by a senior at Winooski High School. I guided him through his first semester as he worked on re-branding the school mascot and increasing ticket sales at the school's sporting events. Through my profession, I spend a lot of time in the winter traveling to different schools and meeting with students interested in joining the sports field. I have spoke at Winooski High School in their business class for the past three years, lead two classes at Colchester High School through Navicate (formerly Linking Learning to Life) this past year for a career day, and have had countless students (both high school and college) do site visits where I walk them through the ballpark or office, teaching them about the field.
John Boutin, Publisher of VBM, Lisa Gosselin, VT Dept. Economic Dev. and Rising Star Joe Doud.