John Lyon
Wilkins Harley Davidson
Career Highlights:
Wilkins Enterprises, Inc., DBA Wilkins Harley-Davidson Co-Owner and General Manager 2004-Present
Lyon-Wilkins Enterprises, Inc., DBA Vermont Quick Lube of South Barre Co-Owner 2009-Present
The Knotty Shamrock, LLC Co-Owner 2011 (New Startup)
Otterman and Allen, P.C. Law Firm Associate 2002-2004
Vermont Natural Resource Council Law Clerk For Purposes of Clerkship 2001-2002
Washington County District Court Assist Court Staff 1999-2000
Community Involvement:
Board of Trustees for Northfield Mutual Holding Company, Northfield Savings Bank Member in Good Standing of the Vermont Bar Association Member of the Partridge Society at Norwich University Board Member of the Museum Associates at Norwich University 16-Year Firefighter with the Northfield Fire Department (1994-2010) Former Member of the Greater Northfield Coalition Council Former Member of the Central Vermont Medical Center Corporators Former Board Member of the Gray Building Coalition
Favorite part of job?
Many view constant daily challenges as a bit of headache, while I enjoy the dynamic nature of business. I enjoy making decisions that no one else wants to make.
Most inspiring mentor?
My parents are my mentors and provided me with my work ethic. I appreciate the fact that I have a job I enjoy and can assist in employing other Vermonters. My parents inspired me to take work seriously.
Who is your living hero?
I don’t have one specific hero. I think anyone that sacrifices time with their family or loved ones in order to better themselves or their family’s life is my hero. For example, it may be a person that puts their all into a business, an idea, education today in order to better support their family in the future.
Favorite downtime activity?
When I have any downtime I enjoy reading industry literature on trends or opinions on what may be coming down the pipeline.
Favorite Vermont Escape?
While I am unable to spend as much time as I would like, I love sailing on Lake Champlain.
Favorite social network?
It would likely be Facebook, but onlybecause I use it as much for business I do personally.
Favorite website?
A shameless plug for a new business, www.KnottyShamrock.Com, Central Vermont’s Newest Irish Pub.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?
Thom Lauzon, CPA, Mayor of Barre. Thom isn’t afraid to tell you precisely what he believes. His advice over the years has served me well.
VBM's Publisher John Boutin, John Lyon and Lt. Governor Phil Scott.