Company: Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports
Title: Program Coordinator
Age: 28
Favorite Part of Job: There are so many favorite parts to this job. I love seeing the athletes succeed in all of our activities and how that success increases their confidence and independence throughout life. I also really enjoy interacting with our amazing and large Vermont Adaptive community including our amazing volunteers, passionate
interns, and the hardest working staff.
Most Inspiring Mentor: Ross Lilley of AccesSportAmerica. He is the hardest working and most determined person I know. His passion for helping people with disabilities get outside and recreate goes above and beyond the norm of adaptive sports. He has taught me about the importance of having fun every single day, while also going above and beyond your job duties. I strive to work as hard as him, be as creative as him, and have as much fun with my job as he does.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I have my motorcycle license and a bike.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Lake Willoughby in the summer and Bolton Valley in the winter!
Favorite Downtime Activity: I love to run and train for endurance events including ultra marathons and Ironman races.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which causes would you support: Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports and Guiding Eyes for the Blind.
What is the best career advice you have received: When something becomes easy and routine, it is a clear sign that you are not growing.
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years: I see myself still working for Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, creating new programs and growing and establishing the activities and programs we have. I see myself continuing to get more certifications in adaptive sports, showing the professionalism of this field.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont: I fell madly in love with Vermont and all of its beauty during my internship with Vermont Adaptive during the Summer 2010. When the opportunity came to live in my dream state and work for my dream organization, I packed my bags as quickly as I could.
Career Highlights: I see the success of my career through the eyes of my athletes. When the athletes at Vermont Adaptive are able to ski independently, develop a new passion, achieve goals they set, and learn how to access and enjoy the great outdoors, that is when I feel success in my career. I have been able to successfully start two new programs including a camping program and a health and wellness program for people with disabilities. The independence, confidence, and excitement that the athletes gained throughout these programs was incredible. Career highlights include seeing the number of athletes and activities increase each year. That means more people with disabilities are getting outside, exercising, and finding passions!
Community Involvement: I am fortunate to be a foster parent, 24 hours a day, for children in DCF custody. My role is to provide a safe place for children and to support their emotional and physical needs. I help the children through their grieving processes as well as support them through life’s activities including school, sports, and recreational activities.
I also volunteer as a puppy raiser with Guiding Eyes for the Blind. I look after, care for, and lay the foundation for training a puppy to prepare them to be a Guide Dog for the Blind. I teach and socialize this puppy over a 12 to 16-month period to prepare them to be matched with someone who is blind or visually impaired. I have raised six Guiding Eyes dogs.