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KENT MelvilleKent Melville

Kent's Soda Company

Career Highlights:
Owner of Kent's Soda Company

Community Involvement:
Kent Just turned 10 this August. He still loves his company and introduces himself as “Kent Melville, Owner of Kent’s Soda company.” Kent has recently hired a sales person. We are in a lot of meetings lately as the story got ahead of us, so we are trying to play catch up and plan for a much larger market than previously anticipated. This November we will be traveling to Florida to announce a strategic partnership with one of the leading Autism Non-profits (details to be released later) in the country. We anticipate that partnership will provide well over a million marketing exposures to our target market, at no cost to us, every month. It is exciting to see how this is all coming together.

Favorite part of job?
I don't really have a favorite part, I just really like my job!

Most inspiring mentor?
Well, my Dad.  He taught me lots of things about running my company.

Who is your living hero?
My Mom and my Dad.

Favorite downtime activity?
Sometimes get on the computer, sometimes read magazines, sometimes play Legos, sometimes play my favorite video games, and sometimes I drink a soda.

Favorite Vermont Escape?
Going on the tour at Ben and Jerry's.

Favorite social network?
I don't do that much.

Favorite website?
I have lots of favorite websites, of course, and

Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?
Meet someone at Ben and Jerry's.

Lt. Governor Phil Scott and Kent Melville.

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