KYLE Seymour
Kyle Seymour
Career Highlights:
Being the Project Manager for the implementation of a new solution for several large and influential car dealerships in the United States. -Managing a record number of clients at one time, from contract to site launch, with all positive feedback from each client. -Developed solutions and roles around a complex system, which has exceeded established goals. -Steers programs in the right direction with the least operational impact, most customer satisfaction, and has long-term scalability.
Community Involvement:
- Fundraising and participating the past 3 years in the VT Dragonboat festival, Penguin Plunge, annual Jared Williams foundation wiffleball tournament at Little Fenway, annual Mardi Gras parade. Also a charity softball game to benefit the Make-A-Wish. Management Excellence & Leadership Development through Champlain College.
Favorite part of job? My favorite part of my job is solving complex business problems.
Most inspiring mentor? I’m inspired by people’s perseverance, balance, and commitment to success at all levels of the business.
Who is your living hero? Unfortunately my hero passed away 2 years ago - Coach John Wooden. His philosophies around leadership and performance are still very relevant today.
Favorite downtime activity? I am an avid athlete, playing in all kinds of sports. I played baseball at Clarkson University and have shifted to filling my time playing softball here in Vermont. I also love bowling, golfing, football, basketball, volleyball, wiffleball and kickball.
Favorite Vermont Escape? If I had to vote, I would go with the mountains. I love being in rural areas of Vermont.
Favorite social network? I have to admit, I am an Instagram addict. I always liked taking pictures and Instagram allows you to add filters and effects, while sharing them with a social network.
Favorite website? I am pretty compulsive about checking the weather and I check the temperature trends, and barometric pressure.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? The person I would most want to network with is also a local celebrity, Tom Messner. He is a weatherman, but he also partners with a lot of businesses around the area, making a positive influence.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Kyle Seymour and Pat Moulton Powden, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Community Development