LAURA Hubbell
Laura Hubbell
Career Highlights:
Vermont Blueprint for Health Program Manager. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, Vermont
Care Management Program manager. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, Vermont
Director of Social Services. Birchwood Terrace Healthcare, Burlington, Vermont
Community Involvement:
Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk
Alzheimer's Disease Support Group Leader
Huntington’s Disease Society of America - New England Chapter member
Huntington’s Disease Society of America support group involvement
Favorite part of job? What really makes my job enjoyable are the people I work with everyday, from the mailman to the CEO. CVMC is really a wonderful place to work where everyone is respected for their contribution. I also love the challenge of my work. It seems every day I am faced with new situations that I need to puzzle through. This process always results in learning and growth which is so essential to ongoing fullfillment with one’s work.
Most inspiring mentor? Norman Vincent Peale. His book "The Power of Positive Thinking" really speaks to me. It teaches how changing the way you think about your life can really change your life, from feelings of self confidence and success to anger and worry. I credit much of my success and happiness to the wisdom in these pages and it is a book I return to any time I feel I am veering off track.
Who is your living hero? Heros to me are people who are delivered a significant life challenge or challenges and somehow learn and grow from the challenge despite the toll it has taken on their lives. Right now that person is my Aunt Lisa. My Uncle Ray has just been diagnosed with cancer and, needless to say, they are struggling. At the same time, they are learning. A recent quote from her is: “Good comes from just about everything, if our eyes are open.” What an amazing person. My Aunt Lisa is my living hero. We can all learn from her message.
Favorite downtime activity? I love to read and play with my Pembroke Welsh Corgis. I also enjoy cooking, hiking and biking. I recently purchased a spinning bike so that I can continue my biking throughout the winter.
Favorite Vermont Escape? I have two: the Montpelier Farmer's Market in the summer for Pete's Greens, various Vermont Cheeses, Red Hen Baking Company bread and Woodbelly pizza slices - yum. My husband, Jeff, and I also enjoy playing Vermont tourist in Stowe. The first stop is always the Cold Hollow Cider Mill for cider doughnuts. If you haven't been, you are definitely missing out. The hiking (I love Stowe Pinnacle - it's one of the few hikes my Welsh Corgis can enjoy with me due to their short stature), the bike path, the shops and the out-of-stater people watching is great fun.
Favorite social network? I have a neglected Face Book account and I belong to a social network called Daily Strength, however I don’t take the time to network much on line so I can’t say I have a favorite at this point.
Favorite website? I most frequent yahoo for news, etc. as it is my email and home page, however if I am surfing for fun or work, I am all over the board.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Peter Johnson of Pete’s Greens. I love Pete’s Greens and go through withdrawal in the winter when I can’t get them. I had no idea until the Rising Stars awards were announced that the owner is a youngster. I am amazed at what he has been able to accomplish - it is such a huge operation and, but the way, how on earth do those greens stay so fresh?
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Laura Hubbell and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >