LESLIE Schreiber
Lesllie Schreiber
Schreiber Training
Career Highlights:
Trainer: Schreiber Training (previously All Aboard, Inc).; Burlington, VT 2002 – Present Created and currently operate small business to deliver training services specifically for interpersonal communication skills, group development, and Six Thinking Hats meeting management tool. Clients include: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Seventh Generation, Gardener’s Supply, Autumn Harp, NSA Industries, Eastern Mountain Sports, American Red Cross, Vermont Law School, University of, Vermont Medical School, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation, Vermont Department of Education and Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce Facilitator: Outward Bound Professional; et al.; 2007 - Present National corporate trainer for clients in pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and financial industries, including: IBM, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Avery Dennison, Quest Diagnostics, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, State Street Boston Corporation, WP Carey, Kraft Foods and Harvard Business School Adjunct Professor: Vermont State and Community Colleges; 2004 – Present Community College of Vermont: Interpersonal and Small Group Communication University of Vermont: Leadership for Teambuilding Johnson State College: Introduction to Ropes Course and Ropes Course Leadership Champlain College and St. Michael’s College: Guest speaker for Critical Thinking; Business Consulting; Business Writing
Community Involvement:
Clean Up Volunteer: Storm Irene for the Town of Waterbury – door to door cleaning help for Waterbury residents; helped organize donated cleaning supplies. Evaluator Volunteer: Skills USA High School Conference – evaluated student American Red Cross CPR and First Aid skills. Disaster Relief Volunteer: American Red Cross – Team Leader; respond to local emergencies to provide food, shelter, and clothing. Arts Volunteer: Flynn Center of the Arts – ambassador for the arts/music through concessions for Main Stage events since 2004. Marathon Volunteer: Key Bank Vermont City Marathon and Relay – provide safety to runners while directing traffic since 2005. Volunteer Conference Convener: Northeast and Mid-Atlantic annual conference for the Association for Experiential Education – organized three day conference for over 300 participants; workshop coordinator the previous year in Bolton, Vermont. AmeriCorps Service Volunteer – two years of service with Vermont Anti-Hunger Corps in southwest Vermont and Rapid Response Corps in Los Angeles, CA. Reduced work services for: Middlebury College Athletics Department, Northern Lights Rock and Ice Youth Programs and Community College of Vermont – Burlington
Favorite part of job?
Being my own boss; working with local clients that are truly invested in their employees’ professional development; knowing I make a difference.
Most inspiring mentor?
Wonder Woman – unparalleled combination of power and femininity with a fantastic costume, pilot license, and a projectile tiara!
Who is your living hero?
Any local emergency first responder, especially those who volunteer.
Favorite downtime activity?
Walking/running/kayaking/exploring with my boyfriend and my dog Milo; rescued earlier this year – the dog, that is - and I feel lucky to have him.
Favorite Vermont Escape?
In Burlington: The Intervale trails for running. Outside Burlington: North East Kingdom/Lake Willoughby area.
Favorite social network?
Favorite website?
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?
Other Rising Stars! And anyone at Lake Champlain Chocolates – I will gladly barter my services for your Signature Dark Chocolate Peppermint Crunch Bars. Seriously.
VBM's Publisher John Boutin, Leslie Schreiber and Lt. Governor Phil Scott.