LUKAS Snelling
Lukas Snelling
Digital Media Army
Career Highlights:
Digital Media Army Founder & President Ira, VT & Northampton, MA January 2010-Present Founded digital media consulting company dedicated to helping businesses increase revenue through effective online communication. Assembled a portfolio of clients including CBS, The Pulse Network,, Energize Vermont and more. Acted as in-house Director of Communication for non-profit client Energize Vermont, raised substantial operating funds. Designed and executed marketing strategies for Energize Vermont that have resulted in over 100 media mentions in statewide and local outlets, as well as personal appearances on local CBS, Fox and ABC affiliates. Launched and monetized ThePair.TV, an online video series about two athletes’ comeback, driving over 4,000 unique users and 10,000 pageviews in less than three months CBS Radio, Inc. Boston, MA Director, Digital Media September 2008 – January 2010 Responsible for all CBS Digital operations in Boston, including five station sites and streams. Grew revenue 40% year over year in worst economy on record Lifted online audience 35% with no additional staff. Led team of seven direct reports and sixty person sales staff. Oversaw digital P&L of over $2.4 million Launched eight new digital assets, generating over $300,000 in new revenue Created and executed two day educational forum on Digital Media Marketing for 140 CBS clients Radio Revitalization Corporation Ira, VT Founder & Consultant April 2008 – September 2008 Founded digital media consulting company dedicated to helping media companies sell online assets. Consulted for CBS and start-up BlogTalkRadio. Launched CBS’s monetization plan for nationwide partnership with AOL Radio. Created BlogTalkRadio’s online sales strategy by defining sellable assets and sales collateral CBS Radio, Inc. New York, NY Manager, Digital Sales Development 2007 – April 2008
Community Involvement:
Non-profit Energize Vermont. The organization seeks to educate Vermonters on energy matters and advocate for renewable energy solutions that are in harmony with the character of the state and the well-being of our communities. In this capacity, I work directly with Vermonters to understand our energy challenges and propose effective ways we may overcome them. Specifically, over the last year and a half, I have: Helped launch the organization and establish our 501(c)3 status. Raised operational funds for the organization to meet its mission over the long-term. Grown the organization throughout Vermont, now with membership in over 30 Vermont communities. Worked with residents in communities facing utility-scale developments to educate them on the impacts and enable them to make educated choices for the area’s long-term stewardship. Maintained a presence at the State House to ensure elected officials are knowledgeable about the viability of small-scale renewable energy options and the impacts of large-scale generation sources on our communities. Ran state-wide marketing campaigns to bring the issue of utility-scale wind to the forefront of Vermonters minds. Launched a state-wide speaker series to educate Vermonters on the viability of residential and community solar when compared to large-scale renewable energy development. Proposed a community group-net metering solar installation in Poultney, VT and continue active development on the project. Became a personal advocate for smaller-scale renewable energy solutions and distributed generation as a crucial piece of our state’s energy future Outside of Energize Vermont, I also run a digital media consulting company called Digital Media Army. I started the business two years ago and service a small group of clients by handling their online communications. This work largely involves assessing their current assets and implementing changes that can range from simple marketing strategy alterations all the way to complete re-branding efforts. As most of this work is conducted online, I am fortunate to have been able to gather clients from Vermont, the Northeast, and beyond. My experiences in radio have led me to have a profound respect for the role community radio can play in civic engagement and communication. Our non-commercial radio stations are often a vital source of information and viewpoints that may not be heard in mainstream media. As a result of this belief, I am have become both an advocate for community radio and have volunteered for the benefit of non-commercial radio stations WNMH, WESU, and WXOJ.
Favorite part of job?
I love that a major part of my job is traveling around Vermont, seeing and experiencing our communities and meeting the amazing people that live there. Vermont is blessed to have many people that care about her stewardship and are committed to making this a great place to live and work. Meeting those people is always a pleasure and a very educational experience.
Most inspiring mentor?
My two most inspiring mentors are my parents. Both my mother and father often have differing views and experiences, but they both guide me with an amazing amount of passion and dedication. They have taken great pride in seeing my career develop, and I love that they are always there to provide advice and support me when taking risks.
Who is your living hero?
My living heros are those Vermonters that are constantly dedicated to make their communities better places to live. In the face of the recent hardship caused by Hurricane Irene, this spirit of working together and helping out one another has never been more apparent. In our overly technology obsessed culture it's always easy to be disconnected from those closest to us, and it is great to see that civic engagement is alive and well in Vermont. Favorite downtime activity?
My favorite downtime activity is going for a run in the woods. There is nothing better than being alone out in nature and shedding your anxiety and stresses through exercise.
Favorite Vermont Escape?
There is no better place than swimming in the middle of the lake during Summer. It's so great to jump in to the lake and stare at the mountains that surround you off on the horizon. Even better when the sun is setting on another amazing summer day.
Favorite social network?
Facebook, if I have to.
Favorite website?
Too many to name, but I am a big fan of Ubuntu (A Linux operating system) so I read related blogs like
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?
I can't say there is just one, but I am very interested in business start-up stories. Anyone that started a business here in Vermont and has achieved success is very interesting to me and I'd love to learn more about how they did that and the decisions they made along the way.
VBM's Publisher John Boutin, Lukas Sneliing and Lt. Governor Phil Scott.