Company: Green Mountain Farm-to-School
Title: Program Manager
Age: 34
Favorite Part of Job: I recently watched kindergartners eat kale right from the school garden and get excited to cook it for their parents at an upcoming harvest dinner. Seeing children excited about healthy foods and interested in learning how to cook with them is
incredibly rewarding.
Most Inspiring Mentor: I have been very fortunate to have had number of women whom I consider to be inspiring mentors - both professionally and personally. One that stands out was an important mentor in my early formative years. She taught me what a confident, smart, and strong woman can look like and helped me find my own confidence.
Favorite Vermont Escape: A secret pull off, down a rocky path, to a secluded swimming spot - perfect for an evening picnic after work, complete with a refreshingly cold swim surrounded by mountains.
Favorite Downtime Activity: There are too many to choose, but a few of my favorites include mountain biking in the fall, swimming in freshwater lakes, hiking VT & NH peaks, xc skiing, and cooking with local & foraged foods.
Favorite Social Media: Facebook. I quickly learned it is the best (and only) way to find out what’s happening in the NEK.
What is the best career advice you have received: Two words: informational interview. Find people who inspire you and ask them how they got there - listen & learn.
What else would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years: As my personal and professional lives grow I would like to own a home, start a family, and grow more of my own food.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont: I had a unique opportunity to take a job in downtown Boston or in rural Vermont. The hills, lakes, and pastures called me (in addition to the lack of traffic!).
Career Highlights: I so enjoy how food, agriculture, health, wellness, sustainability, and community intersect in my work. It is fulfilling to be training future leaders in the food system world while simultaneously teaching children the value of agriculture and good food with my work in farm to school. On the other end of the spectrum, teaching seniors and their caretakers with the Council on Aging about nutrition and healthy eating is wonderful. I always learn something in the process and love seeing them become empowered to take ownership of their health.
Community Involvement: I currently chair the NEK Young Professionals Network, serving alongside a group of dedicated & passionate YPs. We are working to connect young professionals in our region socially and professionally.
I also volunteer for the NEK Council on Aging, helping a few seniors in my area with shoveling snow, computer troubleshooting, and other tasks.