Matthew Washburn
38 | Vice President, Washburn & Wilson Agency
Residence: WindsorCareer highlights you are most proud of.
That my dad and I started this business from scratch in fall 2006; being recognized about seven years ago in a national insurance magazine with 10 other millennial insurance agents; and, most recently, needing to hire two more employees because we are too busy.
Community involvement.
The past 15 years I have been the delegate for Bethel on the board for EC Fiber, a community-owned fiber-optic internet/phone service provider. The mission was to provide internet access to every home in the 23 towns. It was a dream when I started, and now it’s almost fully built. When I moved into my condo in South Burlington, I joined the homeowners association board to help facilitate getting a loan to get our parking lot paved. Now we are almost done cleaning up all the buildings in our HOA. I was surprised by the lack of interest at first because we were allowing so many units to be rented, and landlords weren’t paying attention.
Motivation for living and working in Vermont.
I have always enjoyed the values of a small community. I grew up in Bethel and value doing what I can tohelp the community.
Favorite part of your job.
Helping my clients with their needs. It’s been 17 years, so a lot of them feel like family. Insurance can feel like a puzzle sometimes, trying to find a market for a risk, and it can be fun to try and solve.
Best career advice you have received.
A successful business is never about the price (most of the time).
Something fun about yourself that few people know.
I can do a 360 on my kneeboard when being pulled by a boat.
Three words that best describe you.
Funny, loyal and direct.
Favorite Vermont escape.
Boating on Lake Champlain.
Favorite Vermont season.
Since it never lasts, I love the heat of summer.
Causes you would support if you had unlimited access to funds.
Removing big money from politics and creating more realistic opportunities for homeownership.
Where you see yourself professionally in the next five to 10 years.
I would expect to be still doing the same work.
Career goal you would like to accomplish in the next five to 10 years.
Creating a better work-life balance; it’s been a struggle to find employees the past few years.