Favorite Part of Job? Helping people discover that they can save money and do something great for to make their world a healthier, safer place with renewable energy.
Most Inspiring Mentor: My mother has taught me that you can be kind and strong. She works harder than
anyone I have ever seen and gets so much joy out of serving others.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I spent three years in California singing and playing guitar in Los Angeles instead of going to medical school.
Favorite Vermont Escape: I love heading out to Hathaway Point at Kilcare park where St. Albans Bay meets the open part of Lake Champlain. It's beautiful and holds many great memories.
Favorite Downtime Activity: I love playing guitar and writing songs.
Favorite Super Hero: I'm a big fan of Batman. He uses tech, hard work and his ingenuity, not some miraculous event to get his powers.
Favorite Social Media: I'm on Facebook way too much, along with my wife and daughter.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: I'd like to sit down with Elon Musk and talk about changing the way we use and create energy over some Hill Farmstead.
What is the best career advice you have received? Don't be afraid to suggest "crazy" ideas or ask "stupid" questions. I've solved a lot of tough problems that way!
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? I'd like to continue to be innovating in the energy sector, not only deploying renewables but helping people transform their relationship with the energy they use.
Career Highlights: At one point my team learned that many of the projects we'd been working on were not going to be permitted. It was a huge blow with a year's effort down the tubes. We didn't quit. We shifted gears, got to work on profitable projects with a bunch of businesses, and transformed a key part of our company in the process.
Community Involvement: I've been proud to represent St. Albans in the Vermont House and Chair the St. Albans Downtown Board. I play guitar about twice a month for our band at St. Paul's United Methodist. I've been a frequent member of board and Circles of Support and Accountability at the St. Albans Restorative Justice Center. Our community has achieved a huge revitalization in the past few years, and I have loved being a part of it.