Michelle Fairbrother
Michelle Fairbrother
Berkshire Bank
Career Highlights:
Berkshire Bank, Rutland, VT 2007-Present
Vice President, Vermont Regional Manager Manage 8 branch locations (7 locations in VT and 1 location in NY), 51 employees, and 8 branch managers. Responsible for all Retail functions of the bank, including community relations, mortgages, marketing, new product development, training, and employee development. RUTLAND PLYWOOD CORPORATION, Rutland, VT 2006-2007 Chief Financial Officer Lead the financial functions of a manufacturing company with up to 200 employees and $13 Million in sales. Recognized for ability to identify continuous change actions to reduce cost, increase cash flow and margins. Supervised 4 direct reports with responsibilities in financial reporting, planning, forecasting, accounts payable, payroll, fixed assets, and general ledger.
Citizens Bank / Charter One Bank, Rutland, VT 1999-2005
Vice President, Vermont South Regional Sales Manager (2002-2005) Managed 13 branch locations, 85 employees, and 12 branch sales managers. Responsible for all sales and business development functions including new product rollouts, and customer relationship development. Vice President, Western NY Divisional Sales Training Manager (1999-2002) Utilized Performance Based Consulting to provide analysis and recommendations of developmental needs that impacted sales results throughout the Division based in Rochester, NY.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 1999-2000
Adjunct Faculty (1999-2000) Developed curriculum and facilitated graduate courses on Benchmarking, Service Quality Assessment, and the Baldridge Evaluation Process. Planned and successfully implemented a comprehensive curriculum to meet the needs of culturally-diverse students. Project Development Trainer / Consultant (1999) Created and proposed diverse and interactive training manual featuring real situations related to revenue building, profitability, employee and customer satisfaction, team-building
Community Involvement:
Over 1,000 volunteer hours from Vermont employees at Berkshire Bank in 2010
RAFFL (Rutland Area Food and Farm Link) fundraiser for farm flood victims with Roots Restaurant 2011
Vermont State Colleges Board of Trustee (Governor appointed) 2009-Present
Finance and Facilities committee 2009-Present
Audit committee 2009-Present
CCV Rutland Site committee search 2010
Vermont Technical College Presidential search 2010-2011
Rutland Area Visiting Nurses Association and Hospice – 2004-Present
Personnel/Employee committee 2004-Present
Phone-A-Thon Volunteer 2008-2009
Phone-A-Thon Chair 2010
Hospice Annual Fundraiser committee member 2008 (raising over $20,000)
Hospice Annual Fundraiser Auction Chair and full event committee member 2010-2011 (raising over $20,000 in 2010 and over $34,000 in 2011)
Rutland County United Way Board Member – 2004-2010
United Way Campaign committee member 2005-2008
Chairperson of the Small Business Campaign 2005-2008
Advisory Board for Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Hospitality and Tourism: Service Management 1999-present.
City of Rutland Financial Advisory Board Committee 2007-2009
Rutland Community Cupboard Fundraiser volunteer 2005-2008
Rutland Relay for Life – Walked for work 2004-2005; 2007-Present
March of Dimes – Walked for work 2004-2005; 2007
Favorite part of job?
My favorite part of the job is working with our customers and employees. The Managers at each office and I continually work together to be the best bank in each of our communities, by being a place that employees love to work and customers love to do their banking. Customers have followed me to Berkshire Bank and I enjoy finding ways to help them with their banking needs. My customers and employees make my job enjoyable and worth it every day.
Most inspiring mentor?
My most inspiring mentor was Richard Marecki whom inspired me to get my Masters Degree and make an important change in my career that changed my life. He challenged me to do things that I wasn’t sure I could do, he reminded me how to believe in myself, and most of all he gave me an opportunity to become a leader in a future organization. Before Richard passed away he asked me to teach his Masters class at RIT. I thought there was no way I could teach Adult learners at the age of 29, but Richard knew I could. I am thankful for every day I had with him. He changed my life personally and professionally.
Who is your living hero?
Many hero’s, like those fighting for our country, inspire me to do more or be a better person. But, my greatest living hero is both my Mom and Dad. They have always supported me, challenged me, and pushed me to be the best that I can be. Most of all they have always believed in me even when I took a leap of faith and moved to Vermont. I know that no matter where I am or where they are, they are always with me and there for me.
Favorite downtime activity?
I love to spend time with family and friends. My niece and four nephews are the loves of my life. I love to spend time with them every chance I get and they make me feel like the Best Aunt every day.
Favorite Vermont Escape?
Skiing with friends at Pico/Killington or driving in my convertible with the top down enjoying the beauty of Vermont.
Favorite social network?
LinkedIn for networking with current colleagues and past colleagues.
Favorite website?
Google because it helps me to find the answers or information I need for work and personal.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?
Harlan Sylvester in Burlington, VT because of his extensive business and political contacts. Harlan is a great person to know and has given me great advice along the way.
VBM's Publisher John Boutin, Michelle Fairbrother and Lt. Governor Phil Scott.