Favorite Part of Job? My favorite part of the job is collaborating with other people and coming up with new ideas together. The
process of ideation is the most exhilarating part of my job.
Most Inspiring Mentor: My mother is my biggest inspiration. She has always worked tirelessly no matter the size of the reward, she is the hardest worker I know and never stops until she has nothing more to give. She is amazingly resourceful and above all else she puts everyone else before herself.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Anything in Stowe. I love the area and all the activities and food it has the offer.
Favorite Downtime Activity: I will take any moment I can steal from somewhere else to be with my kids. It's the greatest thing - even the times when it's not so great.
Favorite Super Hero: I was always drawn to Cable as a kid. We have the same first name, he's from the future, telekinetic and has a robot arm - pretty awesome.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: I would love to share a Vermont beverage with Bill Murray, preferably at my bar. I would challenge him to a game of NBA Jam and see where the evening took us.
What is the best career advice you have received? When working you every quickly identify things you do not want to do, and in many ways that can have a lot of value along the path to figuring out what you do want to do.
Career Highlights: I'm a huge film fan so getting work on David Fincher's Social Network was an awesome opportunity to see one of our current cinema greats at work. In 2005 I started Urban Rhino in Burlington. In 2006 I co-founded Brooklyn Lighting and Grip with with friends in NYC. Then in 2008 I co-founded Queen City Lighting here in Vermont with Adam Lukens. This past year I opened The Archives in Burlington with 3 friends as well.
Community Involvement: I use my various businesses as avenues to connect with the community and contribute when we can. My media production company, Urban Rhino, focuses on working both with sustainable businesses and with non-profits. We use the profits from commercial paying clients to be able to work with many non-profits at reduced rates. We offer heavy discounts at all times to non-profits and also donate usage of equipment and things as requested. We also give employees paid time off to volunteer with organizations of their choosing.
Part of our ongoing mission is to participate in and foster growth within the local filmmaking community. We actively seek ways to connect people, educate and build more opportunities locally for filmmakers.