NATHAN Hartswick
Nathan Hartswick
Career Highlights:
I started as a simple calendar of events for people to find comedy shows in Vermont. Now it has grown into a legitimate booking agency, and we’re producing shows, including the Green Mountain Comedy Festival. Plus my wife Natalie Miller and I founded Spark Arts last year, which offers classes and workshops in comedy, theater and music to students of all ages. And I have several bestselling children’s plays published through Pioneer Drama, the largest publisher of children’s drama in the country. It’s been an exciting couple years! A few other accolades:
Community Involvement:
Mentoring for Champlain Valley Union High School’s “Grad Challenge”
Working with interns from South Burlington High School’s Big Picture program.
Coach the Connecting Youth (CY) improv team at CVU High School
Frequent mentor, theater consultant and accompanist at Camels Hump Middle School
Co-chair of the performing arts committee for the South End Business Association.
Produced free improv workshops for kids/teens during the Green Mountain Comedy Festival
Favorite part of job? I think my favorite is teaching my comedy students.
Most inspiring mentor? I grew up in a family of musicians and theater educators, and my parents and grandparents all had a huge impact on me. They were supportive and encouraging of my creative pursuits, and each taught me different lessons, leading by example.
I also had a phenomenal music teacher in high school, John Padden – he’s retired now. He was a jazz educator with a tough exterior who cared deeply for his students.
Who is your living hero? I’m not easily star-struck, but put me in a room with Steve Martin or Stephen Colbert and I’d act like a teenage girl at a Bieber concert.
Favorite downtime activity? My wife and I love going to see local theater productions, films and live music. A nice dinner out is a rare treat. And a good book is always enjoyable.
Favorite Vermont Escape? My family owns 300 acres in the Northeast Kingdom, where they run Oregon Brook Camping, a well-kept secret where campers can get away and connect with nature.
Favorite social network? Just as a carpenter uses different tools for different tasks and with different frequency, I use Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare to different ends. My favorite social network is the human race.
Favorite website? Probably A close second is
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Ben & Jerry. Plus their brand (and I assume their founders) have a great sense of humor.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Nathan Hartswick and Pat Moulton Powden, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Community Development< Last Next >