NICK Lange
Nick Lange
Career Highlights:
Widely recognized for his technical expertise on energy efficiency, having presented at several national conferences, and having been asked to consult on a range of regional energy efficiency programs. A member of an internal team charged with the unified process of measuring the organization’s progress towards long term economic, environmental, and social justice goals. His work with the group to develop a way to appropriately track the impacts of the myriad varieties of work and activities helped overcome a significant challenge in the development and monitoring of metrics in support of VEIC’s mission. A member of a small, but very dedicated and creative and capable team to bring the world’s first community energy game Vermontivate! to Vermont this past spring. This was about building community through a fun and engaging series of energy and sustainability-related challenges issued to town-based teams. Received recognition as an expert on game-based approaches to outreach, education, and engagement in energy and efficiency work, he is an invited speaker to national and international audiences on the subject.
Community Involvement:
Board member of a local pre-school (Puffer Child Care Center, Morrisville, VT) that has relocated, built play grounds and classrooms to expand access to these critical opportunities, and strived to deliver the highest quality experience at an affordable and sustainable cost. Part of a community committee working with the Hyde Park Elementary School Board to better communicate the collective issues facing our town's educational infrastructure and the challenges and opportunities that exist with our historic and aging school building. Working with the Vermont Energy Education Program (VEEP). Professionally and personally dedicated to working to helping the local and global community flourish. This has been a goal of mine since my earliest years and I am grateful to have found an organization, VEIC, in a state, VT, a partner, my wife, and our family's values that fits so well with this goal. The first thing in the morning and last thing every night, I’m a dad. I work with my wife and our community to raise our family, and support others.
Favorite part of job? The dedication and competency of the amazing individuals who have dedicated their lives to work in this field. My favorite part of the work is the opportunity to seriously engage in solving complex and challenging problems that have powerful economic returns, environmental and social benefits for greater resilience at the individual, organizational, and community level. To be a meaningful and valued part this larger effort, with a group of people and teams that demonstrate leadership in many areas, is something I value greatly.
Most inspiring mentor? I am continually inspired by the mentoring I’ve received thanks to the VEIC founders, Beth Sachs and Blair Hamilton.
Who is your living hero? Those that have seen overwhelming adversity, but don’t give up on themselves or each other. I believe that these traits and acts carry in them an inspirational power for us all. They are reminders of the foundation and complex an architecture of shared responsibility we’d be fools to forget.
Favorite downtime activity? Downtime? What’s that? I love being a dad to my two daughters, aged 5 and 4, and a husband to the amazing woman I get to spend my life with.
Favorite Vermont Escape? “Helping” with the family sugaring operation in spring:
Favorite social network? I’d have to say that the community of people working in the field of sustainability, and in Vermont in particular, would be my favorite. Digitally-speaking: Twitter
Favorite website?
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Ben Cohen
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Nick Lange and Pat Moulton Powden, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Community Development< Last Next >