Nicole Ravlin
Career Highlights:
PMG Public Relations - Co-Founder, Partner
Ravlin & Associates - President
Topnotch Resort - Director of Sales
Giles Communications - Account Executive
Community Involvement:
Board of Directors – RunVermont
Co-founder of #BTVSMB – Burlington’s Social Media Breakfasts, which was started to help educate Vermonters about social media and bring national speakers to Vermont – though not an official nonprofit, no revenues are gained from this and all time is pro bono.
American Heart Association – Go Red for Women Executive Leadership Team
Vermont Business Roundtable – Emergent Leader
On-line mentor for – mentor 4 students from across the USA from disadvantaged homes with a curriculum based mentoring program.
Favorite part of job? I love the feeling of getting a big placement for a client. But lately I am getting real satisfaction in helping clients learn how to use social media to drive revenue and communicate with their customers effectively.
Most inspiring mentor? Peter Giles who is the President of Giles Communications in New York. I worked for Peter for a short time and learned a lot. But what I have learned from him since I started my own firm is invaluable.
Who is your living hero? Anyone and everyone who has the courage to be themselves.
Favorite downtime activity? Spending time with my family… and skiing.
Favorite Vermont Escape? With kids – Smugglers’ Notch Resort… without – Manchester Center or the top of Mount Hunger.
Favorite social network? Twitter – oh! I still have 133 characters to use for my answer!!
Favorite website? Other than or any of my clients web sites? It’s a toss up between and
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Chuck Maniscalco of Seventh Generation.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Nicole Ravlin and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >