OWEN Milne
Owen Milne
Career Highlights:
Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility, Development Director. Responsible for all organizational growth activities, membership management, program/product development, public outreach and member retention.
Business Interiors, Business Development Manager. Conducted activities to increase visibility for the company among architectural, educational, health care and corporate communities. Assisted in engaging and developing dynamic solutions to organizational goals with space planning and technology implementation.
Sports and Fitness Edge (Williston), Head Tennis Pro. In addition to tennis instruction, maintained a vibrant and growing tennis program. Grew the program from 15 consistent players in 2000 to a tennis program that included 10 child classes, 12 adult clinics, 3 pre-k programs and 5 adult leagues by 2004.
Community Involvement:
VT STEM Initiative. Community Coordination Group
Vermont Green Building Network. Board of Directors.
Governors Council for the Employment of People with Disabilities. Committee Member (Appointed by Governor Douglas)
Champlain College Handicap Accessibility Evaluation. Year long pro-bono ADA evaluation of campus facilities, policies, landscape and master plan.
Favorite part of job? There are so many fantastic parts to my job; above average health benefits, healthy LEED-CI certified office, location on the waterfront, working with innovative business leaders, underground parking, flexible work and wonderful, friendly and caring workmates. But quite frankly, the best part of my job isn't the job at all, but rather, the basic fact that I work for Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility. Beyond sleeping really well at night knowing I am bringing positive change to Vermont, I get to be part of an organization that is the largest of its kind in the country. Whether it's with a like-minded CEO or a tradtionally focused business person, there is no conversation I would rather have than the subject of social responsibility.
Most inspiring mentor? My former boss, the late Dan Bonfigli, made an immeasurable impact on my life. He lead by example, overcame extreme adversity, and instilled in me the characteristics of professionalism and creativity. While my time working with Dan was only 4 years, the lessons learned under his tutelage remain with me to this very day.
Who is your living hero? My living hero seems to change weekly. As of late, it's Ray Anderson, founder of Interface Carpet, who transferred his company from a "plunderer of the earth" to one of the most socially responsible companies around. He is currently battling cancer with grace and courage and continues to spread the message of CSR despite his obstacles.
Favorite downtime activity? Cooking. I know that sounds rather ridiculous, but I really enjoy experimenting with new flavors, new ingredients, getting it locally and enjoying the experience of creating/eating with friends, family or my daughter.
Favorite Vermont Escape? Church Street Burlington, dining al fresco on a warm summer day.
Favorite social network? I'm a Facebook addict, I am Tweeting challenged and am not sure if Myspace even exists anymore.
Favorite website? www.vbsr.org. Sorry...had to put in the plug. In reality, I am na ardent fan of www.TED.com.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? As a Development Professional, my networking activities are best spent meeting with visible prospective members, especially those who publicly embody the values embraced by VBSR. With that, I would like to network with Bill Carris from Carris Reels.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Owen Milne and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >