Rebecca Gutwin Coons
Career Highlights:
RehabGYM Business Manager
Community Involvement:
Volunteer for various local running and cycling races: GMAA, RaceVermont, and Green Mountain Stage Race. -I am a breast cancer survivor and have shared my story with organizations such as Hobart & William Smith Colleges and Bright Pink Vermont.
Spoke with my mother (Sharon Gutwin) for a University of Vermont class in coordination with the Vermont Family Business Initiative.
Assisted a Champlain College marketing class as a mock business representative and reviewed and offered feedback on marketing plans/presentations.
Favorite part of job?
I love the variety of projects involved with my current job: between website design, network administration, bookkeeping, supervising payroll, and directing all the marketing at our company, I never get bored!
Most inspiring mentor
My mom is definitely my most inspiring mentor. I love working with her on a daily basis and admire her enthusiasm and vision for the company. She’s also one of the most genuine and kindhearted people I know.
Who is your living hero
I’d have to say that this year’s Ironman World Champion, Chrissie Wellington, is one of my biggest heroes. She suffered a nasty bike crash a few weeks before this year’s race, but she still came back from over a 21 minute deficit off the bike to win the race during the marathon. The most impressive thing about Chrissie is the perpetual smile on her face: she works hard for what she wants but doesn’t lose any joy in the process.
Favorite downtime activity?
I compete in long-distance triathlons, so most of my downtime is spent either swimming, biking, or running!
Favorite Vermont Escape?
If I’m just looking for an escape from daily life, I love taking advantage of Vermont’s vast selection of hiking trails. When I want to head somewhere with a bit more civilization involved, the Mountain Top Inn in Chittenden is one of the most gorgeous places in the state.
Favorite social network?
Facebook is one of the staples that’s always open in my tabbed internet browser. It’s important to me to stay connected to the people in my life throughout the day!
Favorite website?
I love the simplicity and ease-of-use of…I probably use it at least a dozen times on any given day.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?
Peter and Dick Dreissigacker founded Concept 2 Rowing back in the 1970s in an abandoned dairy farm and have since expanded nationally. Concept 2 has grown to be the leader in indoor rowing, as well as oar manufacturing for crew boats, while retaining quintessentially-Vermont core company values. As a collegiate rower, I have experienced their innovative products firsthand and would love to learn more about how they’re able to remain competitive in such an ever-changing field.
VBM's Publisher John Boutin, Rebecca Gutwin Coons and Lt. Governor Phil Scott