RUSSELL Schoengarth
Russell Schoengarth
Career Highlights:
US Navy - Interior Communications Electrician on board Nuclear powered Submarines. Responsible for the maintenance and repair of all communications equipment, atmosphere monitoring, remote sensors, and ships control systems.
White Mountain Cable - Lead cable splicer. Upgrading cable systems throughout New England.
Comcast Cable (formally Adelphia)
Maintenance/Plant Technician- Responsible for the maintenance and repair of all outside cable systems.
Technical Trainer - Responsible for the development, Planning, and delivery of technical training for CATV technicians.
Technical Supervisor - Responsible for the training, development, and safety of Cable TV Technicians.
Community Involvement:
I was the spokesman for a group of parents seeking to get a class enrichment trip to Washington DC organized. The trip was canceled by the school due to financial challenges.
I have been the project leader for the past several years for "Comcast Cares Day" where we work with a nonprofit group in our area to perform work that would otherwise put a strain on their core programming. These have included: Rutland Boys and Girls Club, Brandon Boys and Girls Club, Rutland Community Cupboard, The Howard Center, and the Arlington Recreational park.
Favorite part of job? Helping individuals grow their career.
Most inspiring mentor? My Father - It was not until I had my own children that I realized how much my father put his time aside for us kids.
Who is your living hero? My Mother - My Mom always knows what to say to make things right. She can brighten any room when she walks in and will give everything she has to make others smile.
Favorite downtime activity? Camping with my family and friends. Nothing is more relaxing than sitting by a campfire with the ones you love.
Favorite Vermont Escape? Camping on Lake Bomoseen.
Favorite social network? Facebook, It keeps me connected with friends and family across the country.
Favorite website? Who knew there was so much to know about raising chickens!
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Traci Moore, Executive Director United Way Rutland County. To learn new ways for my employees and myself to be engaged in our communities.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Russell Schoengarth and Pat Moulton Powden, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Community Development< Last Next >