Sarah Audet
36 | Principal , Hedgehog + Fox Collaborative
Residence: Bridport
Career highlight(s) you are most proud of:
Serving as executive director of a startup nonprofit for five years. It was challenging to scale the organization, but immensely gratifying to know our hard-won growth meant we could serve more families. I got to build collaborative relationships with partner organizations, coordinate a network of amazing volunteers, witness the profound generosity of our community and support my fellow humans through a difficult time in their lives. I was constantly learning new ways to effectively lead people and manage a nonprofit organization. It was a dynamic, fulfilling and humbling experience. Today, I use what I learned (and continue to learn) to help my nonprofit clients thrive.
Your community involvement:
It is my joy and privilege to serve as board president of the Counseling Service of Addison County. I am honored to be part of a team of leaders, both board and staff, working together to ensure residents of all ages can lead emotionally healthy and satisfying lives. The need and demand for mental health care was high before the pandemic, and this ongoing crisis has only exacerbated the situation. I’m proud to support our community of clinicians who are doing indispensable, lifesaving work.I also collaborate with the United Way of Addison County to present “Learn United,” a free, quarterly seminar series for nonprofit staff and board members. We cover topics like grant writing, marketing, fundraising, board development and more.
Inspiration for living and working in Vermont:
I came to Vermont 18 years ago to attend college, and I stayed for the community! I felt very inspired by the many Vermonters who are invested in making this a better place to live, work and play. Then I fell in love with a dairy farmer, and that really sealed it for Vermont and me.
Favorite part of your job:
I get to collaborate entirely with people who want to make the world a better place. How cool is that? The nonprofit staff, board members and volunteers I encounter are incredibly passionate about and proud of their missions. They show tremendous respect and admiration for the unique contributions of each person within their organizations. Above all, they have a deep and abiding commitment to their communities. All of this amazing energy feeds my spirit.
Most inspiring mentor:
Over the last 18 months, I’ve found a core group of fellow entrepreneurs — all women and nonbinary people — for peer-to-peer support and mentorship. I find this group inspirational because everyone keeps it real. We’re not perfect. We don’t have it all together. We don’t know everything. We’re juggling a lot of balls (and occasionally we drop them). There are times when we want to throw in the towel. But at the end of the day we can count on each other for understanding, grounding, support, advice and loving, honest feedback. Thank you, Emily, Nico, Nariah, Becca, Jessie, Christie, Kierstin and Ashley!
Best career advice you have received:
Some seasons in life are not meant for hustling, achieving or impressing. Some seasons are meant for exploring, connecting and enjoying.
Something fun about yourself that few people know:
I grew up in Maine and spent my entire adulthood in Vermont, but I didn’t learn how to downhill ski until January 2022. I absolutely love it.
Three words that best describe you:
This question is always difficult for me, so I asked a friend for help. They said “charming, strategic and intuitive.” Thanks, pal!
Favorite Vermont escape:
My own backyard. Because I am the wife of a farmer, my home is embedded in Vermont’s working landscape. There’s ample space to run, cross-country ski, take photos or wander around with no particular aim, other than to admire the mountains and vast expanses.
Favorite Vermont season:
Winter! It is stunningly beautiful, and I still get giddy whenever it snows.
Favorite downtime activities:
Dancing gets me out of my head. Lately, I’ve been into ballet, tap and jazz as well as the occasional kitchen dance party while cooking dinner.
Favorite social media:
There are so many talented artists, poets and other creatives sharing their work on Instagram. I love to immerse myself in their observations of the world.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with:
I’m incredibly intrigued by the relationship between Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg. They have immense respect, gratitude and admiration for one another, even though they seem the unlikeliest of collaborators. And, so, I’d love to share with them a cocktail featuring Vermont spirits — crafted by Martha, of course.
Cause(s) you would support if you had unlimited funds:
I would ensure that all Vermont children, age birth to 5, could attend high-quality early-childhood education programs for free. Their teachers would earn a salary that reflects how essential their work is to the health and vitality of our state.