Savanna Crossman
30 | Owner, Heart and Soil Farm, LLC
Residence: Fairfield
Career highlight(s) you are most proud of:
Earning a master’s degree in agronomy from Kansas State University while raising two children.Your community involvement:
Helping to organize a weekly homeschool playgroup for local families, creating partnered events with local small businesses, and running for justice of the peace. Inspiration for living and working in Vermont:
My children, and our desire to raise them near family.
Favorite part of your job:
I get to stay home with my kids while using my education and experience to do something that I find fulfilling.
Most inspiring mentor:
Amanda Gervais, co-owner of Savage Gardens. She has an incredible wealth of knowledge and wisdom, which she shares generously so that others can succeed alongside her.
Best career advice you have received:
Don’t overthink it.
Something fun about yourself that few people know:
I once was Vermont Maple Queen.
Three words that best describe you:
Hard-working, motivated and reliable.
Favorite Vermont escape:
A cross-country ski weekend in Craftsbury.
Favorite Vermont season:
Summer. Nothing beats days at the beach with my kids, driving with the windows down or having morning coffee out on the deck.
Favorite downtime activity:
Planning my next project or event.
Favorite social media:
Facebook, because it keeps me connected to friends all over the country and the world.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with:
My husband. Date nights are important, especially with number four on the way!
Cause(s) you would support if you had unlimited funds:
Switching the general public to electric vehicles.
A song on your playlist you are embarrassed to admit to your best friend:
“Goodbye Earl” by the Chicks.
Where you see yourself professionally in the next five to 10 years:
Continuing my flower farm.
Goal(s) you’d like to accomplish in the next five to 10 years:
Expanding part of the flower farm into a wedding venue.
How your community service has changed since the pandemic:
I saw and felt the effects that the early months of isolation had on us and wanted to help pull us collectively out of that black hole.
How your job has changed since the pandemic:
I quit my part-time remote job and opened my own business.